18 Catchy Tunes that Dominated TV in 2017!!

Music is a significant part of the TV experience. What are some of the catchy songs that are so good that they played on multiple TV shows this year? Find out inside!

21 Amazing Adventure Seekers

Who doesn't love a good adventure? It can be exciting, dangerous and a whole lot of fun. Here are 21 of TV's most amazing adventure seekers.

Quotables for Week Ending December 2, 2016

This was a great week for quotes, as viewers fell hard for some from Gilmore Girls, Westworld, the DC Crossover Event and Code Black. We have them all here!

Quotables from Week Ending November 4, 2016

This is a good time for levity in our favorite scripts, as there are a lot of giggles contained in the quotes for the week ending November 4, 2016!

Timeless Quotes

Wyatt: What's April 14, 1865?
Lucy: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

She just lost her sister, give her a damn minute!
