The Flash Photos from "Family of Rogues"

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Are we supposed to believe that Leonard Snart is keeping Lisa Snart in the dark about working with his father?

That's certainly a possibility on The Flash Season 2 Episode 3, but not a probability. While he was abused by his father, he's also very close with Lisa. We'll find out when we watch, however.

To get a look at how the Snart men look together in action, go ahead and scroll through our photo gallery.

If you need a refresher in the meantime, you can watch The Flash online right here via TV Fanatic.

1. Flash Team - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

The original three Flash Team members chat amongst themselves, either before or after Barry heads out on a mission. They probably just learned Leonard Snart has been kidnapped!

2. Buddies - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Cisco and The Flash bump fists like boys do. Even when suited up as a superhero, under it all, The Flash is still just Barry Allen, geeky guy who's up for a fist bump.

3. Lending an Ear - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Lisa Snart goes to The Flash Team for help in the kidnapping of her brother. Who kidnapped him? None other than their father, Lewis Snart. If you recall, he was a sadistic creep who treated them cruelly when they were children. As an aside, how cute is Caitlin's hair this season?

4. A Difficult Decision - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Joe is faced with a difficult decision. No doubt it will have come about due to the unexpected visitor who appeared at the end of The Flash Season 2 Episode 2.

5. Family Photos? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Assuming Joe is pondering a decision about his ex and Iris' mother, Francine, has he been looking through old photos? It looks like that's what Barry is holding in his hands, a photo album. What will Joe decide to do about Francine?

6. Best Friends - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Iris and Barry are having one of their best friend chats. Any chance that this time he's giving her advice, perhaps about her mother? She can't always be the one propping him up, or it's not much of a friendship.

7. Double Crossed - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Barry feels double crossed by Leonard Snart when he learns the kidnapping was untrue and Leonard was actually working with his father on a heist. Was Snart really working against Barry, or was he trying to protect Lisa from the realization he was in cahoots with their nasty father in the first place?

8. Polishing the Gun - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Leonard Snart treats his cold gun very, very well, as we can see. Here he sits, cradling it and gently rubbing it with a soft cloth. Awwww. Isn't that oh so sweet?

9. Apple and Tree - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

This just makes me sad. We know Leondard Snart was abused by Lewis Snart, so seeing him so darn happy to be standing by his side just feels all kinda wrong. Will Papa Snart get his cummuppance in the end??

10. Barry vs Papa Snart - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

What will Barry have to say to Lewis Snart? We can only guess, and our guess is that it will not be a pleasant conversation. Our fingers are crossed that Barry will try to do for Leonard what he cannot do for himself. Stand up for himself!

11. Snart Conference - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Do you think Leonard Snart is still scared of his father in any way? He sure looks far more powerful that the old man in this photo, but you know looks can be very deceiving, especially where abuse is concerned.

12. Barry Too?! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Are my eyes deceiving me, or is Barry Allen now an official part of the Snart heist? What the hell is going on here? There must be one doozy of a story behind this whole caper, and we can bet that the one liners will be fresh and plentiful!

13. The Colds - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

It's Colonel and Captain Cold! Just how long until Barry is out of his janitor's uniform and trying to take them down? Just keep scrolling through the photo gallery!

14. Busted! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

The Flash has caught up to the Snarts...err, Colonel and Captain Cold...but Captain Cold has his gun trained on him. Have you seen the trailer? Yep, he freezes our hero. And thankfully, it appears Cisco has done a lot of work on the suit!

15. Raise that Barrel - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Snart's arm looks tired. Can we call him Captain Cold when he doesn't have on the parka with the hood up? What makes him Cold, anyway? The gun or the getup? Is it a package deal? These are the things we ponder daily.

16. Two Snarts - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Uh oh. Looks like they're hoping that Two Snarts are Better Than One...what does Papa Snart have in his hand, anyway? It can't possibly be good news for The Flash, but if one of these dudes is goig down, we're betting on Papa Snart.

17. Vulnerable - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Doesn't The Flash look incredibly vulnerable standing still at the other end of the hall? He should be vibrating like he does. SOMETHING to make himself a little less of a target for the Snart duo! Eh, he'll win. He's the hero!

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The Flash Season 2 Episode 3: "Family of Rogues"
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Caitlin: You and your entire family are criminals. Why should we trust anything you say?
Lisa: [reveals scar] I didn't get this scar being a criminal, I got it being a daughter.

You know what they say, live fast, die young.

Captain Cold