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Station 19 Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: How Am I Supposed to Live Without You

The episode opens with moments of passion between several couples, but it turns out Travis's sex scene was just a dream.

Carina and Maya discuss when they should take a pregnancy test after their IVF transfer. Carina takes a test and it is negative.

Everyone is stressed about a wildfire that is encroaching on Seattle.

Vic tells Andy that Crisis One is becoming a national program but that she will be moving to D.C. to run it.

Travis takes the news hard, but there's no time to dwell on it. The fire is getting close enough to see from the station.

Maya vents her worries to Beckett about Carina working close to the fires while she might be pregnant. Beckett tells Maya about how IVF didn't work for him and his ex wife when they were trying to have a baby.

Natasha butts heads with another fire chief who is running point on the wildfire.

Travis tries to convince Vic not to go to D.C.

Cadets with the fire department are being brought in to work on the wildfire and Andy tries to give them advice.

Warren has to intubate a patient in the field and then he, Sullivan, and some of the cadets carry him a mile to a med tent.

The crew quickly becomes inundated with patients, and there aren't enough doctors to take care of everyone, so Ben has to take drastic measures on his own.

Natasha calls in retired firefighters to help with the fire since they don't have enough people to work the fire.

Vic asks Travis to come with her to D.C.

Andy, Warren, Vic, Montgomery, and Maya snuggle up in a pile to take a rest on top of the truck.

The fire has gotten much worse, and Andy and Natasha work together on a solution.

Theo sees a branch about to fall and rushes to save Montgomery, but ends up getting pinned under the broken limb. His injuries appear to be severe and he has to be airlifted to a hospital.

Carina takes a blood test at the hospital to see if she's pregnant, and Helm offers to look because Carina is too nervous. The result is positive.

Back at the fire, Hererra and Bishop are separated and trapped in flames.

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