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The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 3 Review: 36 Hours

Critic's Rating: 3.5 / 5.0

Morgan Resnick is not a nice person. 

She was introduced on The Good Doctor Season 1 as an adversary for Claire, but all she wants to do is rub all of the characters the wrong way. 

While it's fair to assume that she got introduced as a fiery personality who speaks her mind, Dr. Lim has already got us covered on that front. 

Left in Charge - The Good Doctor
(ABC/Bettina Strauss)

I wanted to like Morgan, but she grated on my nerves more than usual during The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 3

From her claiming that Claire and Lea only like Shaun because he's like a child who needs to be looked after, to the constant eye rolling every time someone said something to the contrary, she dragged down Shaun. 

Shaun is confused by the return of Lea, and the last thing he needed was Morgan sticking her nose in and acting like she knew everything. 

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While it's fair to assume she knew what she was talking about when it comes to Claire because she works with her on a daily basis, it was low to bring Lea into it. 

I can fully understand Lea's frustration, and I think her lashing out at Shaun in the closing moments of the hour was a learning experience for him. 

Shaun Makes a Decision - The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 2
(ABC/David Bukach)

He's on the spectrum and doesn't pick up on social cues, so he needs a little bit more time than most to adapt to situations. 

But Lea talking down to him was probably for the best. She unleashed her fury most constructively to make Shaun know that he's putting all the blame on her when he should be accepting some responsibility for his actions. 

Lea was the one who left to begin with, but she's not once demeaned Shaun's capabilities, so it's about time they hashed out their differences and got back to becoming friends. 

Beyond that, can we keep it platonic? They aren't the most well-matched couple, and it's difficult to imagine them going further than friends. 

Medical dramas have a knack for soapy conventions, and I'm all about the interpersonal relationships that advance the story and don't make me want to gouge my eyes out. 

That's what I found so fascinating about Melendez and his team taking on the 24-plus hour surgery to help Gina achieve her dream. 

Dr. Melendez and co - The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 12

Melendez is one of those people who likes to have his voice heard, so him clashing with Flores in the O.R. was not out of the realm of possibility. 

Flores challenged him, to the point he was telling her to get out of the room and seemed to have a comeback for every single thing he said. 

It was unprofessional, for sure, but it showed that being in the pressure cooker environment that is the O.R. for that length of time was not easy on anybody. 

It didn't help matters that Gina wanted to have children. Trust this show to throw in some medical twists along the way. 

Related: The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Hello

The case echoed a plot from The Good Doctor Season 1 in which a mother was willing to put her life on the line to have a child. 

However, the ending to the one on "36 Hours" wasn't quite as upbeat. Angela's most significant development point at her feedback meeting on The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 1 was that she needed to be more assertive. 

Speaking to Gina's husband about the two options was difficult enough, but the man was the proxy and didn't want to make the wrong decision. 

That's why I was proud of Claire when she shut Melendez down and made the decision she felt was right. There was no way Gina's husband would have forgiven himself if she bled out because the doctors tried to go a different route to avoid the hysterectomy. 

Claire's Review - The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 1

Claire knew that there were other avenues the young couple could travel in their hope to have a family, so she went with her gut feeling. 

It wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for Melendez to throw a hissy fit because he wanted to give the woman the gift of conceiving a child, but I liked that he respected her decision. 

Melendez has come a long way from his days of being the rudest man in San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital on The Good Doctor Season 1. 

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The most surprising thing about this episode was that we learned very quickly that Glassman pulled through his surgery and was seemingly on the road to recovery. 

For dramatic purposes, it would have made much more sent to have him under for part of the hour to raise the stakes. 

Instead, we got him complaining about pain and lack of sleep. That aside, the final scene with him meeting his dead daughter was beautiful. 

Officer: You’d be best learning to keep your mouth shut.

Lim: You’re lucky I’m hungry.

🔗 permalink: You’re lucky I’m hungry.

He's never gotten over her death, so it was a perfect gift despite the circumstances. Whether Glassman is going to stay on the road to recovery is another story, but at least he feels he has something worth fighting for. 

Much of the drama was thanks to Dr. Lim getting herself some fines for speeding on her motorcycle. As a sub-plot, this added a lot of humor. 

The moment she showed up in the courtroom, I figured there had been some pushback because of her actions with Mara on The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 2

Dr. Lim is one to speak her mind, and that's why she found herself doing a nine-hour stint in the slammer. 

She could not keep her mouth closed, and that's why the judge gave her the harsh fine. What was bizarre about the whole plot was that Dr. Lim is in the business of saving lives, but speeding on a motorcycle could have injured people. 

What are your thoughts on the episode?

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Remember you can watch The Good Doctor online right here via TV Fanatic. 

Get caught up on all the action now. 

The Good Doctor continues Monday on ABC. 


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