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The Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: The Scholar’s Snafu

Darby Spencer is almost late for work. Her partner Gabby informs her that there is a different robbery, and Det. O'Neill is there. Gabby cautions her not to share more theories with Det. O'Neill about why the suspect wouldn't go towards the alley.

She disobeys his orders, heads up to the parking garage, and finds the suspect as she guessed. Even though she caught the suspect, the higher-ups are only concerned that she ignored a direct order.

Tired of ignoring her instincts and following the rules, Darby quits her job. Her day worsens when she catches her boyfriend, Chase, in bed with another woman. She kicks him out, but he reminds her it's his condo.

Since her best friend Zane won't let her crash at his place, she reluctantly heads home to her mother's, where her mom couldn't even go a few seconds without insulting her.

Victoria is happy to see Darby but is upset she hasn't called. She assumes she returned for book reading, so Darby plays along.

In the morning, Daby finds her mom with her agent, Sarita, who's upset Darby hasn't read the book. Victoria taunts Darby is too busy catching real criminals. Needing to escape, Darby visits Zane and Antonio at the cafe.

The men praise her for quitting but encourage her to work things out with her mom. She arrives at her mom's book reading late and sees her old friend Kaia. Kaia gets an alarming phone call and runs out upset, and Darby follows her.

Kaia was expelled from college for plagiarizing her thesis paper, which she insists she didn't do. Darby offers to look into it, and Victoria butts in, saying she'll help, too, since she knows the Dean. Darby doesn't look thrilled, but Kaia gratefully hugs them both.

Victoria and Darby visit the Dean, and Victoria flaunts her donor status to check for proof. Kaia's paper showed up on a site, and the dean suggested Kaia modified an existing paper.

Kaia insists she has never heard of that site, but she recognized an earlier version of her paper. She was writing about depression and men's athletics and now fears someone set her up. She lost her laptop at the library, and someone could have copied her paper.

Kaia suspects Jerome Callahan since he wouldn't let her interview him. Darby tries to talk to him at the gym, but the Coach interrupts. Victoria sneaks into the locker room and finds some pills.

While Darby wasn't happy, her mom interfered again, and she needed her. She takes the pills to her ex-boyfriend Lucas and has him analyze them at the hospital.  Her mom suggests wearing make-up to impress him.

Darby bumps into a cart when she sees Lucas at the hospital. He seems pleased to see her and identifies the drugs as erectile dysfunction drugs, not the performance-enhancing drugs they thought.

Darby awkwardly flirts with him, only to meet his fiance Lindsey. Awkward!

They inform Kaia and ask her about Michael Fletcher, who Kaia says was a transfer student, but she never saw him play. Victoria and Darby question Jerome about him, but he never heard of Michael Fletcher.

Victoria tries to get Darby to show her badge, but Darby won't. This causes Darby to admit she quit Chase cheated, and mother and daughter have a huge confrontation, with Darby screaming that they don't work well together.

Darby spends the night at Zane's, who encourages her to work things out with her mom. Darby thinks her mom abandoned her after her dad died, but then she remembered something pivotal and rushed home.

Darby reads some of Victoria's book reviews and learns her mom is struggling with work, too. The two of them discuss the case and agree there is no one named Michael Fletcher. However, Victoria found a student named Michael Fletcher Everwood at the other school.

They wonder if there is an admission scandal, so Victoria decides to be the mom of a prospective student while Darby looks for evidence. Darby breaks into the Dean's office and jokes Victoria was a bad influence.

She finds the file and notices that Michael has a heart condition, and the dean is in on it. She tries to warn Victoria but is busy charming the coach into letting her "son"  onto the team.

Kaia tries to stall the Dean but walks in on the Coach and Victoria and realizes she's been caught. She plays it cool unto Zane shows up and arrests her.

Darby admits she enjoyed teaming up with her but starts to leave. She returns minutes later to share a drink with her.

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