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The Way Home Season 3 Episode 6 Teasers: While the Kat’s Away…

While the cat’s away, the mouse will play.

If we’ve learned anything about The Way Home, it’s that every episode upends everything we think we take for granted so far.

But did you ever imagine Elliot going in for a kiss with his ex or Alice giving in on her futile attempt to live with the past in the present without tempting fate?

(Hallmark Media/Screenshot)

We just passed the halfway point of The Way Home Season 3, and we have more questions than ever.

Will “Ain’t No Sunshine” answer any of them, or will it create more for us to solve in the final four episodes of the season?

We don’t have a lot to go on with the materials released, but let’s discuss some possibilities.

Is There Still Something Between Emma and Elliot?

(Hallmark Media/Screenshot)

If you read my review of The Way Home Season 3 Episode 5, you know I’m fond of Emma right out of the gate. I like her, and I think she got ripped off in the relationship department because of what Elliot thought he knew of the future.

While I’m not a fan of Elliot and Kat, I can imagine that Elliot had a lot to offer when he wasn’t always thinking about Kat.

In the preview for the upcoming episode, Emma needs Elliot to tell her what they had was real.

The way he’s fidgeting says it was, and it still may be. He doesn’t look uncomfortable because he’s in a relationship but because he’s not sure his with Emma is over.

Could I be reading that wrong? Sure. But if his marriage to Emma began with doubts, it likely ended with them, too.

And as much as he pretends that he’s fine and dandy with Kat going back to the 1800s and Thomas, he’d have to be an idiot to sincerely feel that way.

He has barely gotten Kat in his grasp, and she’s flitting around in the past with a man anyone can see pushes her buttons.

If Elliot needs an ear to listen to everything he’s going though, Nick will return to provide one. It will be interesting to hear what Nick thinks about the Emma and Kat situations, as he’s the only person who has been through it all with Elliot.

Nick was in Elliot’s wedding, and he also knows how much his friend longed for Kat. If anyone can provide a good perspective, it’s Nick.

Thomas Is Lurking In the Bushes, As Usual

(Hallmark Media/Screenshot)

Look! It’s Thomas, lurking in the bushes as usual.

I swear, I think he can smell her upon her arrival. Remember how he was at the pond or nearby every time she arrived? The man has more to do than wait around for her, but there he was nonetheless.

Of course, Susanna’s wedding to Cyrus Goodwin brought uninvited guests from as far as 2025 to witness the event.

The pond always takes you where you need to be, so Kat and Jacob must need to be at Susanna’s wedding. Maybe Thomas has caught on to the pattern and understands that Kat appears at significant events.

Would Thomas really take his chances being seen by Cyrus if he didn’t suspect Kat may be traveling for the festivities?

A Dark Wedding

(Hallmark Media/Screenshot)

It’s not at all shocking to imagine Susanna would be an unhappy bride, but she’s marrying Cyrus for a reason, even if I don’t what it is.

We can’t always marry the person we want to, Katherine, but we can marry the person who can get us what we want.

— Susanna

Susanna was so angry at Kat that she could barely look at her. Did she marry Cyrus so that Kat would return? I don’t think that’s what she meant. But what can Cyrus get for her through marriage?

Cyrus holds the key to the safety of all of her friends. Thomas, Jacob, and Kat are all in mortal danger if Cyrus spots them. Does Susanna think she can free her friends from Cyrus’s grasp as his wife?

I was surprised that Susanna begrudgingly told Kat that Cyrus is many things but not abusive toward her. For some reason, though, she’s doubling over in pain.

What has she gone through while they’ve been gone?

And how does Susanna’s statement about marriage pertain to Kat? Kat cannot marry Thomas, but if she marries Elliot, will it get her what she wants?

If she wants a solid marriage without regret, the way things are going now, I don’t think she’ll find it with Elliot.

Will Jacob Turn to Violence?

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Jacob probably doesn’t need another reason to raise a gun on Cyrus, but marrying Susanna would probably seal the deal.

While it makes perfect sense for him to want to kill Cyrus, he must know that he never will because he’s seen the future. He’s accepted the job with Lewis Goodwin to work at his winery, and without Cyrus, there is no Lewis. I think.

I’m still not sold on the lineage between 1816 and 2025. Is Cyrus Evelyn’s direct ancestor? Was Susanna Elliot’s direct ancestor? Or were one or both of them adjacent to the spectacle? If Elliot and Evelyn were direct descendants of either party, surely it wasn’t through Susanna and Cyrus’s marriage, right?

These family trees are as complicated as John Dutton’s on Yellowstone. I don’t think we ever found out for sure how the branches of his family tree had grown.

Sorry. I got off on a tangent there. We were talking about Jacob aiming a gun at Cyrus. Could he go through with that kind of violence? I don’t think so. Being scarred is one thing, becoming the brute is another.

Alice and Del Find Peace

(©2025 Hallmark Media)

Speaking of pushing buttons, Alice pushed her grandmother too far with her empathy for Evelyn. By rummaging around in Del’s past, Alice was changing the way Del recalled the beginning of her relationship with Colton, and Del didn’t like it one bit.

That veracity shocked Alice and Del, but photos show them enduring the rough patch with a warm hug.

I do wonder if Del has to learn about her past, whether she likes it or not. She spent her life in the dark about a lot of things related to her marriage and how it began. Even if it changes the present, what she felt as her life unfolded doesn’t have to change.

But with so many questions hanging over her head, such as how much Colton knew about the pond, she may need the answers to give herself peace.

She’s never been a truly happy person without Colton. Maybe learning more about his life without her will help her find that happiness. If anyone provides those answers, it will be Alice, which scares Del more than it infuriates her.

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Peter Stranks)

She mentioned to Sam that she was worried about Alice being ashamed of her actions. Hopefully, she won’t dismiss Alice’s desire to talk about her past entirely. There is much to uncover.

The episode will also show how Del and Colton’s relationship grows. She appears to put her mark on his beloved guitar, and they’re expressing some serious PDA.

Are we seeing her memories, or is Alice witnessing them in real time? Does it matter? It should, since they have entirely different perspectives on them.

Even as their love story takes shape, I can’t help but wonder what happened between him and Evie to bring him to Del.

Lost In the Woods

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Peter Stranks)

When they last talked, Evie told Alice about the time she almost drowned, and Colton saved her.

They nearly lost their friendship as a result. This coming episode shows them running through the wood with flashlights. Will they reveal how she almost drowned so soon?

Their eighth year seems quite significant, so there’s no telling how much of it we’ll see, but since Evelyn just spoke of it, it’s a good bet we’ll find out what happened at the pond.

Still, that’s a completely different time period. Do you realize we’re now in 1816, 1965, 1074, and 2025? The writers’ board must be on a football field.

Kat and Thomas’s Time-Traveling Dance Continues

(Hallmark Media/Screenshot)

Yes, we’re talking about Thomas and Kat again.

For one thing, we have to point out that Kat had the audacity to wear a white dress to Susanna’s wedding. Doesn’t she know you are never to one-up the bride, even if you didn’t pack well?

For another thing, Kat and Thomas are dancing. I guess Cyrus doesn’t recognize either one of them yet, and they manage to have a delightful swing in each other’s arms — or at each other’s fingertips.

Elliot thought Kat was running away from their problems to the past, but I like to think of it as running to the past because that’s where she’d prefer to be.

I know that even with Emma back in their lives, it’s unlikely that Kat will end up with Thomas, but we will need far more than a simple goodbye between them.

Their feelings seem too deep for Kat to ever be satisfied with Elliot until she sorts through them for real. And that would mean not running in either direction.

(Hallmark Media/Screenshot)

So, what are you excited to see on The Way Home Season 3 Episode 6? Can you believe there are only five episodes left? It goes too fast!!

Drop me a comment down below to share your thoughts.

And be sure to return on Friday, February 7 at 10/9c for a full review of the episode to find out if anything we discussed here is how it played out!

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Friday 7th of February 2025

So if the towns people caught on to Suzanne possibly being a witch would she have married Cyrus so as to stay alive?


Thursday 6th of February 2025

I absolutely love your analysis and recap of the episodes. You are always so spot on. I literally can't stop laughing. "How is Thomas always at the pond when Kat arrives. Does he smell her?" I love that. It's one of the most (among many) romantic things about him. He senses when she's going to be there. He never let's her walk back alone. I mean **sigh**. I gotta disagree on one thing though. And I bet you know what it is. I do think they can end up together. They are magic onscreen. And the show is after all about a magical time traveling pond. And the couple is extremely popular. Anything is possible! I dont think it was originally intended. But oh my they should run with the magic that has developed right before their eyes!

Carissa Pavlica

Thursday 6th of February 2025

I'm so glad you are enjoying the coverage! I love this stuff! But when I say they won't end up together, I'm thinking of When Calls the Heart, when the network chose to pander to cranky fans who wanted the other vanilla pairing of Elizabeth and Nathan over Elizabeth and Lucas. They messed that up so fast my head was spinning — and I never watched again. I see two factions underfoot again, and we do not seem to get along well. For Hallmark, the network of love, fans can get into some brutal battles. I saw how they cherry-picked Nathan on WCTH and I'm bitter and talking myself out of wanting TomKat too much because of it. I'm fallible! LOL


Wednesday 5th of February 2025

I think Thomas is a TT and that is why he always knows when Kat is showing up at the pond. The writers are fantastic and they can make that a reality. Kat will never be satisfied with Elliot nor should he settle for her. Emma and him have more chemistry in 1 Episode than him and Kat is 2 1/2 seasons. They should just be friends. Maybe there is a connection between the Goodwins and the Landrys to the point that their parents knew they couldn't be together. New blood was Del. I don't know I will watch to find out. I just know we need more of the kissing scenes between Kat and Thomas for sure.


Thursday 6th of February 2025

@Carissa Pavlica, Oh I will be watching

Carissa Pavlica

Wednesday 5th of February 2025

Elliot and Kat are a childhood fantasy. I've recently had the opportunity to revisit my first real love (not friendship like Kat and Elliot), and it paled in comparison to what I remembered. We had both imagined we'd still be like two puzzle pieces. We were wrong. I think Kat and Elliot do fit together like a puzzle, but just not the romantic puzzle they're trying to create. You don't know you'll be watching to find out if there is more to the Landrys and Goodwins? How else will you see Kat and Thomas kissing?? 🤭 I think the Landrys and the Goodwins are the future, and maybe that's why they're trying to fix the past. If Susanna had a baby with Cyrus, even Elliot could be a Goodwin as well as an Augustine. Guess we'll find out!


Tuesday 4th of February 2025

One more observation, I always thought that the expression on Kat's face in the painting was one of love/passion. So is she looking at Susanna or Thomas?

And why didn't present day Kat ask, "When did I sit for that portrait? I must go back for some reason!" Did she just assume that it was painted from memory? When she told Del/Elliot that Alice records a song with Colton so she must go back to 1974, why didn't it dawn on her that the same must be true concerning her painting?

And to be fair, lol why didn't I think of that as well? 🤣

Carissa Pavlica

Tuesday 4th of February 2025

I figured a true artist could draw or paint anything from memory. I've been more focused on the who than then when and how. I think it will be Susanna, but I do not think it's a great love story for Kat, even if it might be for Susanna.

Kathryn A

Tuesday 4th of February 2025

I fear Cyrus marries Susanna to protect her from some violence that has already occurred. It's Kat who will need saving this time! Not from burning, but from hanging as a witch. Listen to the song tell that story. Is that why Kat fidgets with her necklace so often? Could Cassandra be a crazed first wife to Cyrus, hidden away in the garret? Does she lose her life Jane Eyre style by jumping to her death in a house fire? That's the "My Katherine" dress that Kat wears to dance with Thomas in! Does she stay in 1816 long enough to sit for a portrait? Does Thomas send her back to ultimately protect her? Hoping against hope that in the finale we do see Thomas able to travel to present time. It is after all, a time travel show!


Tuesday 4th of February 2025

@Kathryn A, Good catch about the dress!!!

Carissa Pavlica

Tuesday 4th of February 2025

Oh, good eye! I didn't even recognize the dress as the one from the portrait. Maybe she will get stuck back there. Maybe that will give Elliot time to reconnect with Emma. Well, I doubt that, as he'd be obsessed with Kat being lost to the pond. Then again, time travel works differently. Oh, heck. Whatever is coming, bring it on!

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