American Idol Auditions: Memphis

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It's time for Memphis hopeful to show us their American Idol chops. Let's hope they can top last week's Seattle auditions. Shouldn't be that tough ...

Most enthusiastic of the night: Frank Byers. Or, sorry, "Frank and Beans." He didn't get through, but maybe Simon would've changed his mind if those cheerleaders had actually dropped Ryan.

Most similar to a film festival: Jason "Sundance" Head (pictured). With a father named Roy Head - he of the former number-one hit in the 1960s - this uniquely named fellow expected to make it big a long time ago. At 27, his time may have finally come.

Most sentimental: Travis McKinney. Apparently, crazy dancing equates to emtotion for some. We're sorry. We can't go on right now. Too many tears flowing ...

Best American Idol name: Danielle McCulloch. Just sounds right, doesn't it? Scared us a bit when she hit a high note, but brilliant compared to other singers so far. Glad she got through to Hollywood.

Best use of third person: Randy Jackson. He just referred to himself as a "dawg." American Idol Worship liked it.

Saddest story: Topher McCain. His wife left him. He watches Dr. Phil. He has a giant crush on Paula Abdul.

Best impression of a dictator: Sean Michel. Castro, bin Laden, Jesus Christ. Whatever. The guy can kind of sing.

Proudest father: Phil Stacey. We think the judges just wanted to do right by the new father. Guess we can't blame them for that.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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