90210 Round Table: "Winter Wonderland"

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As documented in our weekly 90210 review, we weren't major fans of the 2009 finale.

A few readers have already disagreed, however, so we're interested to see how they react to the topics discussed below. Enjoy the following Round Table discussion and remember to visit our show forum to chime in on the series everyday...

For how long will Liam and Naomi last?
M.L. House: Hopefully, not very. I don't mind the pair together, but a happy couple is a boring couple. I'm all for the pair having crazy sex on Liam's boat (more on that below), but then let's keep putting obstacles between the two.

Dr. Shepherd: At least through the end of this season. The show has to keep couples together for a decent amount of time in order to make us care about them.

The Barnacle: One number, one fake word: 4 eva!

A boat? Really?!?
M.L. House: Haha, my thoughts exactly! I'd have been fine with Liam simply revealing that he worked on the boat as an escape from his problems. But the show built the tarp up so much that the structure was a major disappointment once it was revealed.

Dr. Shepherd: It could have been worse. When they first showed Liam and a blueprint, many weeks ago in his work room, I seriously feared the show was gonna cross a major line and have him shoot up the school or something insane.

The Barnacle: Sure, why not? As Andy Samberg rapped, life on a boat can be pretty awesome.

Should Annie be afraid?
M.L. House: Not really. She seems to have more evidence on Jasper than he has on her. If she beats Jasper to the accusatory punch and reveals him to be a drug dealer, any hit-and-run talk from him will seem like bitter, petty revenge.

Dr. Shepherd: Yes. She's played by a terrible actress.

The Barnacle: Probably. I gotta assume Jasper has proof that Annie hit his uncle. I was let down by how this finally got revealed, however. I was hoping all along that Jasper was using Annie and/or setting her up for some major fall... instead, he simply blurted out what he knew in self-defense.

Dixon's birth mother search: Exciting, or overdone?
M.L. House: Overdone. It would be more interesting to have an adopted kid on a show simply be happy with his parents and not go on the cliche-ridden search for his birth parents.

Dr. Shepherd: Exciting... the first time. It's strange the show is playing this card again, so soon after Dixon and Annie previously tracked down his real mom.

The Barnacle: Overdone. I'd much rather see his adopted mother topless. (Sorry, did I write that out loud?!?)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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90210 Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


You put me through Hell, Naomi.


90210 Season 2 Episode 12 Music

  Song Artist
Eyes Wide Open Ragged School iTunes
Song TiK ToK Keisha
Song When The Time Is Right Griffin House iTunes