30 Rock Review: "Klaus and Greta"

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The first of two hilarious episodes of 30 Rock last night, "Klaus and Greta," featured guest star James Franco in a truly bizarre role as ... a bastardized James Franco.

More accurately, a creepy, ultra-perverted James Franco.

James' obsession with body pillows (and other things) gave us weird nightmares, as did Liz's willingness to go along with the disturbing fantasy. But what are you gonna do?

Meanwhile ...

Jack was disgusted with Jonathan, Kenneth unhitched his pelvis, the staff played a Today Show drinking game, and Tracy declared Kenneth's haircut an insult ... to lesbians.

Below are some classic 30 Rock quotes from this episode ...

30 Rock Scene

James Franco on 30 Rock: Even funnier and weirder than billed!

James Franco: Objects are made by men, and used for many purposes... but we never... love... objects. | permalink
Tracy: Before you got here, were you an air scientist? Because your ass blah blah blah, you get the point. | permalink
Kenneth: Albino monk!
Jack: That's a mirror, Kenneth. | permalink
Kenneth: Sorry, sir, that happens sometimes when I unhinge my pelvis. | permalink
Jenna: Liz, I am happy. All this attention, getting my picture taken, having ice cold diarrhea from drinking too much Jamba Juice. | permalink
Jenna: They're calling us 'James,' which is a combination of 'Jenna' and 'James.' | permalink
Tracy: I know it's a girl, Liz Lemon, because I yelled out 'Susan B. Anthony' at the moment of conception. | permalink
Liz: Lemoned? That's not a thing people are saying now, is it? | permalink
Jack: They're probably having beach sex. Which is the third best sex after elevator and White House. | permalink
Cerie: As a frequent receiver of drunk messages, they are not cute. Even when they're from Liz. | permalink
Tracy: [forgetting what floor he works on] Six! I knew it was a character from Blossom, but I couldn't find the Joey Russo button. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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30 Rock Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

[forgetting what floor he works on] Six! I knew it was a character from Blossom, but I couldn't find the Joey Russo button.


The local station edited Will & Grace so much that it was just called Karen.
