Greek Review: "Take Me Out"

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In this week's episode of Greek, titled "Take Me Out," there is all-Greek softball tournament where the ZBZ girls pair up with the Omega Chis to play against Cappie's KT house - and who else, but the obnoxious girls from Gamma Psi?

As usual, the title of the episode has a double entendre because there are new (and old) relationships budding:

Ashleigh is ready for a new beau after recovering from Fisher, and Evan and Rebecca are starting to date again. Check out our recap for all the details from the episode!


This week's episode was a little bit slow, but it's only natural after so many conflicts have been resolved.

The writers need some time to work up some new conflicts, and right now they're in a transition period. Nonetheless, the complete lack of Dale in this episode may have contributed to the episode's lackluster feeling.

However, something truly beautiful could be in the works. Since Ashleigh is looking to get back on the dating horse, Cappie suggests that she be hooked up with Beaver. Unfortunately, the set-up doesn't go so smoothly, and Ashleigh complains to Casey that Beaver is a little too stupid. But that's part of his charm!

And Ashleigh isn't really topping the charts in intelligence either, now is she? We hope that potential relationship hasn't fizzled before it even left the starting blocks!

Here are some of our favorite Greek quotes from the episode:

Casey: You're ready to jump back on the dating horse again?
Ashleigh: I'm ready to ride that horse like a bucking bronco. | permalink
Cappie: Tell me again, why are you crop-dusting my room with lemon scented cancer chemicals? | permalink
Calvin: You asked out Rebecca Logan?
Evan: Actually she asked me.
Grant: So if she pays do you have to put out?
Evan: Uh, only if I order steak. | permalink
Cappie: But i must warn you, what we lack in physical ability, we make up for in heart. And our hearts are set on crushing the Omega Chis at all things crushable. | permalink

Take Me Out Review

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Greek Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

But i must warn you, what we lack in physical ability, we make up for in heart. And our hearts are set on crushing the Omega Chis at all things crushable.


Evan relax about the game and everything else. Rebecca, don't mess with people's emotions. Ash, there will be plenty of time to flirt when we're not in the middle of an inning. Now everyone get back to their positions, ok? (To Evan) And strike out my boyfriend!


Greek Season 3 Episode 13 Music

  Song Artist
Auctioneer The Broken West iTunes
Imaginary Friends Nada Surf iTunes
I Wanna Miss You Laureates iTunes