Private Practice Review: "Love Bites"

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Everyone's trying to figure out how they feel about each other on Private Practice. There's not one relationship you can describe simply, which is probably by design.

Naomi is starting a new romance and Addison is torn between two men. Our recap has the details of these stories and more. Now here's our review of "Love Bites" ...

William White, Naomi's boss, has been getting a little flirty with her lately. She has to give a speech about him at a fancy event. Fife is a bit uncomfortable about this.

Pete and Violet have finally turned a corner, or at least he's abandoned the idea of being mad at her. Addison and Sam ... well, even they don't know. How can we?

Before the big ball, there are a couple of cases on the medical front.

Cooper’s patient, Paige, has a bite mark. Her boyfriend says he’s walked the Earth for 2,000 years searching for a soul mate. Yup, he thinks he's Edward from Twilight.

Nae, Nae

Naomi's flirting with William didn't sit well with Fife.

Unfortunately, the 13-year-old vampire wannabe has been biting around behind Paige’s back and gave her Hepatitis. That will break up even everlasting, immortal passion.

Charlotte has a talk with Paige about heartbreak, and her words hit home, not only with the bitten teen, but with an eavesdropping Cooper. Can he finally lay off her now?

Addison does an emergency C-section on Lauren, who was rescued at sea by the Coast Guard. The baby is saved, but unless Sam operates on her again, Lauren will die.

Unfortunately, that’s what she wants. She won’t consent to heart surgery, because she is devastated about her husband leaving her. She is hopeful that he will come back.

Addison later learns he wants nothing to do with her or the baby, but wants to keep this a secret until Lauren has the surgery. Sam doesn’t want to give her false hope.

He says it would be like fixing her heart just so it can be broken again. Hmm. Think there's a subtext to that conversation as it relates to their current relationship much?

At the hospital, Addison tells Lauren the truth. She says her baby found the strength to survive, so she can, too. She'll have the surgery, because you gotta tough it out.

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go?

Addison didn't find what she was looking for at the ball. But after ...

At the ball, Naomi makes her speech about William. When he stops by to say thanks, Nae, who's been taking advantage of the open bar, rambles about things. Lots of things.

It turns out he was indeed flirting with her earlier, which leads to some dancing, as distraught Fife looks on. Later, he asks her out and they appear to kiss in the elevator.

Violet is grateful Pete is done being mad at her, but she is still damaged. Dell is still upset about Heather. He wants to move on, and poor guy can’t bear to take off his ring.

But he does. Violet is impressed by his resolve. Maybe they'll keep leaning on each other.

Addison and Pete find a quiet place to chat. Addison doesn’t think either of them will find happiness at the ball, so they decide to go home to watch TV ... and get it on!

After their romp on the floor, Pete confesses that he’s still in love with Violet. Addison tells Pete that she may be in love with Sam. So ... they decide to have sex again!

As the episode concludes, Addison and Pete end up back in bed together wondering if they’ll ever “not” be in love with other people. They don’t have the answer ... yet.

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Addison should be with ...

Love Bites Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (13 Votes)

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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