Ugly Betty Review: "Million Dollar Smile"

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Last night, Betty pretty much took a cue from Alice and fell down her own personal rabbit hole.

Actually, she just fell on her head, but it made for a very Wonderland/dream-like world where everything was upside-down and backwards. 

So Long, Braces!

"Million Dollar Smile" showed Betty what the world would be like if she had perfect teeth. Granted, the show was entirely far fetched (C'mon, do we really believe that Betty's world would be that different?!) - but, it was highly entertaining nonetheless.

It was interesting to see that Hilda was no longer beautiful, but a chubby fat girl getting married to the local butcher, while Betty was Queen Bee winning Prom Queen and everything (really - would dating Jeter be such a success?!).

The one sad part of this made-up world was that there was no Justin and Bobby - two of our personal favorite men on Ugly Betty.

We wondered how the writers would make such a historical event take place - and we have to say, job well done!

It is always fun to venture into the "what-if's" and Betty looked smoking hot doing just so! We couldn't agree more with her fairy dentist lady when she told Betty to keep the hair. Betty had great hair throughout her entire time in her imaginary world.

We were really happy with the way things ended and thought the Suarez family food party was a great way to kick-off life without braces.

So, do you think the writers did Betty's braces justification with the storyline? We did wait forever for them to come off - do you think it could have had a better ending? Maybe involve her previous obsessed dentist? Leave us your opinions below on this momentous occasion!

Until next week, we leave you with a few of our favorite Ugly Betty quotes after the jump!

Amanda: No it's genius! You are bringing back innerwear as outerwear. | permalink
Daniel: Underneath that perfect smile - you are an ugly Betty. | permalink
Betty: I even picked out a nice outfit -
Marc: Oh! Why didn't you wear it? | permalink
Amanda: Its actually kind of nice getting to know someone before tickling his ginger. | permalink

Million Dollar Smile Review

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Ugly Betty Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

Everybody on my side of the family has big crazy chompers


Bye bye braces!
