United States of Tara Review: "Dept. Of F'd Up Family Services"

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On this week's episode of United States of Tara, Max has to get the house ready for their appointment with social services because the court wants to make sure he is not an unfit parent.

Of course, the house is a mess because of the tornado and Max calls out for assistance from the whole family. It is interesting because it always seems like Max is trying to sweep the mess of their lives under the rug and now he physically and emotionally has to do it for the sake of keeping their family together.

As Shoshanna

Kate becomes a bit jealous of the bond that is forming between her new friend/role model Linda and her mom. Even when she gets home she proclaims that Tara is ruining everything as usual in her life. One can only imagine what type of psychological damage growing up with a mom like Tara can do to her kids.

It is apparent that Marshall has been harboring all these feelings for so long when he goes off on everyone telling them exactly what he thinks of them. Courtney is a very delusional character that we can see doing something super crazy to Marshall. Seriously, what is her deal? She is not unattractive, yet she won't take no for an answer.

Now that the cat is out of the bag and Neil knows he is the father of Charmaine's baby, do you think that she will tell her fiance the truth too? Neil may not be the most attractive fella, but he does have a certain charm about him and obviously Charmaine is into him. She seriously needs to get over being so shallow. Looks fade and at the end of the day, wouldn't you want to be with the one who makes you laugh?

Overall, we love the Gregson's - especially when the weird animal like Tara comes out to play. We really were laughing out loud as animal Tara escaped from the house to cause menace in the street. Really, this family is anything but boring.

What did you think of "Dept. Of F'd Up Family Services"? Love it or hate it - leave your comments below! We love hearing your take on each week's new edition of one of the most original show's we've ever seen!

Until next week, we leave you with a few of our favorite United States of Tara quotes after the jump!

Linda: Well speaking for someone who is all here all the time - no you don't. Why do you think I smoke so much weed. | permalink
Neil: Congratulations Char - you officially have no soul. | permalink
Kate: Hey what are you doing that I am not doing? You had a huge line all day - I might as well be handing out farts. | permalink
Kid in comic store: What are you?
Linda: She's Princess Valhalla Hawkwind.
Kid: What?
Kate: What to take a picture with me?
Kid: What are your super powers?
Kate: I don't have a vagina.
Kid: Come on let's go to Popeye's and get some chicken. | permalink

Dept. Of F'd Up Family Services Review

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United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

You brought your boyfriend? I was hoping we would do this like Europeans where I wouldn't have to meet him until your funeral.


Tara: (about their house) How is it?
Max: When was the last time you were in New Orleans?
Tara: Okay - I am on my way.