United States of Tara Review: "Open House"

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We are winding down the second season of United States of Tara and we are only just beginning to understand what caused Tara to have all her alters.

Something happened to Tara when she was just a little girl and she clearly blocked all of it out of her mind. Even Charmaine has no idea who Mimi is.

Dark Alice

It was quite humorous to watch Alice arrive in "Open House" as a weeping widow to Mr. Hubbard. What struck us as odd was how Tara's mother said she must know who Mimi is as she was acting just like her. That means, Alice is some version of Mimi?

Not that I am not happy that Tara forgave Max - but, I was a bit surprised. Even though Tara herself has admitted to sleeping with over thirty-something different people - all the while being in a relationship with Max, but was it really her that was cheating? No. It was the alters.

Max was fully aware what he was doing and purposely picked Pammy because he knew how much it would hurt Tara. So not only was he cheating on her, he was going into this situation seeking revenge. Oh! And how great was it that Buck came in at the end and kicked the sh*t out of Max! Loved it!

The kids are keeping this show quite boring. Just kidding! Kate seems to always find herself with the creepiest guys - while Marshall is still just beginning to understand his sexual preference. Thankfully, he does have his neighbor who almost seems like a 40 year old version of himself.

Charmaine's very odd love triangle is just at the tip of the iceberg and we know that something big is going to happen soon. Something makes us believe that Nick is going to snap. What do you think? Mr. Amazing may not be that amazing?

This show keeps us guessing and is anything but boring. Since there are only two more episodes left of the season, what do you think will happen? Will Tara finally unlock her dark past?

On another note, we miss T!!!

Follow the jump to read a few of our favorite United States of Tara quotes from last night's crazy awesome episode!

Tara: Life is long and you're my man. | permalink
Kate: Everyone's a taker - everything's a thing. | permalink
Tara and Charmaine's mom: Oh honey, you're so pretty, but you've always made decisions like an ugly girl. | permalink
Lionel: I feel so bad for breeders. Being gay is like living in a buffet.
Marshall: And people say romance is dead. | permalink
Tara: Do you do that to me? Make up wildly heightened emotions just to manipulate me into being there for you?
Charmaine: Of course not. Only to mom. | permalink
Kate: I get it your rich - whoop didily dee...Zack can have anything he wants.
Zack: That remains to be seen. | permalink

Open House Review

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United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Superman slept with someone else?


Completely believable explanation.
