Entourage Review: "Buzzed"

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It's not saying much, but Entourage's second effort this season was a little better than its weak premiere.   Though still not much action has happened in "Buzzed," at least the episode brought us Jerry Jones and a direction for Ari's storyline.

Drama Hires E

Like the character, Ari's storyline was definitely the strongest of the night, even if the episode focused on Vince.  Well that's kind of problem, because Vince's plot was as lame as the man himself... it was about a haircut.  A Toby Maguire in Brothers kind of haircut.  Seriously, what other should would attempt to feature a hair cut as the central storyline of an episode?

Turtle continues to bring hot women in the story, yet became a sensitive, stalking-kind of wuss.  Drama continues to have a sinking career and decided to drag E down with him this week.

Maybe Entourage should just strip its cast down to Ari and his office  At least his career seems to take him on adventures beyond a daytime strip club adventure.

Like the amount of events that actually took place in this episode, we're keeping this review short.  Until next week we leave you with some Entourage quotes.

Ari: You have three kids from three different men. You've slept with everyone's ex. | permalink
Lizzie: You got the meeting?
Ari: Yeah.
Lizzie: Shit that's impressive.
Ari: Yeah. I'd blow myself if I were more flexible. | permalink
Lizzie: Anything else?
Ari: Yeah, button up. This is the NFL, not the NBA. | permalink
Drama: Look, E, I know we've had our ups and downs but I want you to know I appreciate this.
Eric: Have we had downs?
Drama: No, but we probably will if we work together. | permalink

Buzzed Review

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Rating: 3.7 / 5.0 (13 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Entourage Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

You have three kids from three different men. You've slept with everyone's ex.


You're a really good brother. I'm glad you didn't die.
