Big Brother Review: Ragan For President!

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"Are you the biggest bitch because you're gay?" - Rachel to Ragan

The concept of Pandora's Box either ruins the integrity of Big Brother (we know, we know) or makes the game even more compelling, depending on your point of view.

No one can refute that it really shakes things up, though.

For the second time in as many weeks, someone opened it. We'd love to see someone pass, saying, eh, I'm just not feeling this right now. What did Brendon discover?

Not what he was looking for, which was theme of the episode for him. Ragan, who Brendon nominated for eviction along with Lane, promptly snared the Power of Veto.

Ragan Fox
Matt Hoffman

Ragan Fox (left) was the star Wednesday. Matt Hoffman should be tonight.

Did the producers choose this puzzle to give the professor an edge? Coincidence or not, he didn't just win, he flat-out dominated, securing his Saboteur check to boot.

Not a bad prize for some sketchy messages. Soon, though, Ragan was battling his nemesis - Rachel - in person, after Brendon opened Pandora's Box and unleashed her.

He thought he was getting a 24-hour vacation with her, but Big Brother punked him and they switched places. Brendon spent a nice day in a Malibu mansion ... alone.

Meanwhile, Rachel returned to wreak havoc on the houseguests who ousted her by a unanimous vote. No one was happy, but the fireworks with Ragan were epic.

Ragan was getting worked up even before the aforementioned, uneducated dig at his sexuality, and the rest of the cast could only watch in awe as he owned Rachel.

Driving home the points that she's not better at the game and no one likes her, Ragan was the true victor in the house Wednesday on every level. Dude is the man.

Before the wicked witch departs, she leaves Brendon a message in pretzels, instructing him to nominate Matt, which he does. Guy is so whipped, it's not even funny.

She's not even that hot, either. Strange.

Which brings us back to Pandora's Box. Last week, Matty won a Diamond Power of Veto, enabling him to nix a nomination AND name the replacement at any time.

Needless to say he is loving life right now.

He played it cool at the ceremony, probably because he wasn't sure if he'd even be put up in Ragan's place, and it's not like he can mention his trump card. But at some point tonight, expect him to drop the diamond card and Brendon to blow a gasket.

Assuming he can't put up Brendon (even Big Brother draws a line somewhere at making up rules), Kathy and Britney are Matt's obvious targets to be put on the block.

Bet on Kathy. Better grab your life vest, floater!!

Given a choice between Lane and Matt, the safe members of the Brigade (and the rest of the house) have made it clear they would take Lane in a second. But with Matt poised to thwart that plan, will he be welcomed back into the fold next week?

Did Brendon screw up the nominations? How and when will Matt drop the DPOV? Who do you think is going home tonight on Big Brother? Who won the Ragan/Rachel smackdown? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

Week 6 Power of Veto Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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