Brothers & Sisters Review: "Brief Encounter"

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The Brothers & Sisters season premiere was not great. The time jump felt forced on one hand, underutilized on the other. Fortunately, last night's episode made up for it somewhat.

"Brief Encounter" was more where we envisioned the family after the flash forward. Most notably, Kitty's thinking about life after Robert (a process which apparently she just began).

Sarah is dealing with Luc's sucess and Paige's attitude. Kevin longs to tap into his paternal side again. Justin is trying, in vain, to save his marriage to Rebecca. And as for Nora?

Nora, Kitty and Sarah

Nora seems back to her old self, at least in part.

Even though the lesbian suspicions were a bit cliched and drawn-out, at least they brought out the bossy, hyper-involved side of the matriarch we've grown accustomed to.

Of course, Kitty decided to physically tail her mom and of course, Nora explained her new florist gig as such "You have needs. So do I! Sometimes you push me too hard..."

Cryptic language that could possibly be interpreted sexually? Sneaking out of bed at 5? Totally a lesbian. They had us fooled! Fortunately, Kitty's sibs were less convinced.

At a party for Luc's underwear line (gotta love milking Gilles Marini for all he's worth as a full-time cast member), Kitty let the erroneous cat out of the bag. People freaked.

Justin disapproved, sort of. Scotty was more or less down with the idea. Kevin just didn't believe it, insinuating that Kitty herself would make a far better lesbian than Nora.

Despite the joke carrying on a bit too long, it was great when Sally Field borderline ogled that female model, and said "I'm not interested in men whatsoever." We laughed.

"I'm really enjoying myself," she added." There's nothing wrong with a woman my age trying something new ... Things have been a little tight lately. I needed the money!"

A lesbian prostitute? Hilarious. The kids ultimately learned that just because they don't know their beloved mom as they once did doesn't mean she switched teams on them.

Hopefully in the coming weeks, everyone grows closer again.

Meanwhile, as Gilles did sit-ups and distracted Sarah and viewers alike, she was having trouble connecting with daughter Paige, who's in that phase where she hates her.

There's not a lot to say about it, other than that moms will do all they can to up their cool quotient in the face of said treatment (Parenthood taught us the same thing).

Sarah allowed Paige to attend the grown-up party honoring Luc, but the true lesson came later when she realized she had to instill the desired values early on, 24/7/365.

Scotty and Kevin bid farewell Mateo, who Nora pegged perfectly. He wanted security, love, and most of all help. It's too bad he couldn't stick around, we liked that Mateo.

Finally, the Holly nonsense. Justin was hoping she'd forget him, since everyone hates him and starting fresh would be a plus. Because her memory's gone, people. Sigh.

What do you know, though, she does remember him and he seems to help with her memory. David doesn't want him around because he "had to go play soldier for a year."

To be honest, this story line in particular seems so melodramatic and uneven, it's like it's being written live. We wish we had memory problems right about now, Holly.

What was your favorite part of last night's episode? Are you digging Brothers & Sisters' fifth season so far? Comment below and share your thoughts.

Brief Encounter Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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