Community Review: Staying True to Chloroform

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Let's kick off this review of "Accounting for Lawyers" by talking about the scary and the hilarious.

First, was that really Drew Carey guest starring as Jeff's boss?!? I had read the guy lost 80 pounds, but I wasn't prepared for such a frightening case of loose skin. I still have chills.

Drew Carey on Community

Now, on to the hilarious: this episode was a great showcase for Alison Brie as Annie. Last season, Community seemed hesitant to embrace her sex appeal, treating her character like a naive 19-year old.

But it isn't shying away from that topic this year, giving us a scene where Troy stared intently at her chest and then ignored everything she said except for the word "suck." Great stuff, but not as funny as what may go down as my all-time favorite Community gag:

I'm still laughing from the chloroform shenanigans. Just the ridiculousness of Annie, Abed and Troy's plan to fake their own unconsciousness, followed by the look on Annie's face when she considered knocking Jeff out later at the party. Priceless.

While Community is a sitcom, it plays out like a procedural every week, sticking to the same format of Jeff finding some reason to break free from the group, only to eventually realize what they all mean to him. Still, this was the first time the emotional climax took place during a pop and lock routine, so who am I to complain?

I also loved Abed's references to Jeff "origins" when he first met the lawyer played by Rob Corddry, as well as the impressions of Jon Stewart, Corddry got his big break on The Daily Show. Let's go over the best Community quotes from the episode now.

Alan: If I wasn't actively repressing my bi-curiousity right now, I would kiss you on your beautiful mouth. | permalink
Jeff: Britta, you're not a whore. Shirley, Jesus turned the other cheek. He didn't garnish wages. Pierce, do I even need to say this? It is bad to hunt man for sport. | permalink
Troy [to Annie]: You've gone from precious to annoying. | permalink
Abed: I painted a tunnel on the side of the library. When it dries, I'm going for it. | permalink
Jeff: Is the Dean planning another ridiculous event, or is the Greendale hat club still struggling to be noteworthy? | permalink
Troy: Did you know that go-gurt is just yogurt? | permalink
Annie: I need Purell for my brain. | permalink

Accounting for Lawyers Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (31 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Community Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

DA used to call us The Litterbugs, we put so much trash back on the street.


I need Purell for my brain.
