Warehouse 13 Review: "Secret Santa"

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From Scrooged to Christmas Carol: The Movie, nothing sets the holiday spirit like the telling of the story of how a grumpy Christmas Miser changes his ways and finds joy in the holiday. 

While this week’s special Warehouse 13 episode was more like “Scrooge lite,” it was still able to remind us what's important at the holidays.

Christmas Special Scene

I’ll say up front that SyFy very specifically-stated (in multiple places) that "Secret Santa" would not address anything related to Myka leaving on the September finale. Knowing this made it a bit easier to sit back and enjoy the episode.

Much like the recent animated version of A Christmas Carol - where Jim Carey did all the part - this installment featured workaholic Larry Newly as both the grumpy Larry Newly and the apparition/fun-loving “Larry Noodle” a.k.a. “Santa Newly.”

As reported in August, Judd Hirsh played Artie's father and Paul Blackthorne played Larry Newly.  The episode was appropriately light-hearted and had a happy ending with Larry realizing that all work and no holidays makes Larry a lonely guy. Additionally, we got to meet Artie’s father, who makes Artie look warm and lovable by comparison.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being a Scrooge about the holidays. I’m being a Scrooge about the odd stand-alone episode that SyFy aired here, one that doesn’t fit into the timeline of the show. I think it would have worked better if maybe the episode was more of a flashback to last Christmas when Myka was happy at the Warehouse and not follow the season finale that showed her driving away.

However, that complaint aside, I enjoyed the episode. It was so much fun to get to hang out with Pete, Myka, Claudia and Artie again... even if it was only for one week in winter.

Secret Santa Review

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Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Warehouse 13 Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Myka: Do you have any enemies?
Mr. Newly: I'm rich, I'm successful, I'm thin, that usually pisses someone off.

Trust me pal, a "woosh and twinkle" is a lot better than a "sizzle and splat" or worse a "ZAP and kerchow!"
