The Good Wife Review: "Two Courts"

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The Good Wife made like a circus performer this week. But it may have been trying to juggle too many balls at once.

Just consider all the developments that took place on "Two Courts." There was a face-reading jury consultant; a new money man on Peter's campaign; hints about Will and Alicia's relationship; Kalinda's unease at work; Will and Diane plotting against Bond; Diane offering Cary a job.

Even for a show as intelligent as The Good Wife, it was too much to handle in a single hour. With so much packed into one episode, there wasn't enough time given to each storyline.

The Good Wife Promo Picture

Did we really need The Jury Whisperer? Or the brief power play at Peter's campaign? Forget B plot. These felt more like D and E plots on an installment already jammed full of details and manipulations.

While intriguing in the big picture, the Will/Diane/Bond feud feels rushed. A week ago, Will was barring Diane from the office in anger (and protection of his clients). Then, just halfway into the very next episode, he's discovering Bond's true plans and striking a deal with his original partner.

Again, I'm excited to see where this goes, but my neck is a bit sore from the plot changing direction so quickly. My head spun a lot last night.

It also feels hard to believe that Bond could be so sloppy. Did he really think no problem would arise out of Blake working as Kalinda's supervisor? Or that no one would find out about his background checks?

If anyone out there works at a large law firm, I'm simply curious: is there typically the kind of transparency Diane is after? Can so much really go on behind the backs of various partners?

To the show's credit, it seemed to acknowledge in the last scene that an awful lot had been going on during the previous 58 minutes. Following so much misdirection and so much scheming, Alicia asked the jury foreman why he and his peers had arrived at such a speedy verdict.

Easy, he said. The guy was just... guilty. In that moment, it's hard to believe Alicia didn't flash to Peter. She's spent so many months analyzing this, or reasoning that. She told her brother last week that marriage isn't always about the heart; the head comes into play, as well.

In the end, though, might all the angles, excuses and logic Alicia has used to justify sticking with Peter be for naught? Might it really be that simple? The guy is just... guilty.

I'll leave readers with one final question: do you wanna see Cary back at Lockhart/Gardner? I'll take more of this great character any way I can get him, but it's been a lot of fun with him on the opposing side, hasn't it?

Two Courts Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Good Wife Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Will: I've got your back, Kalinda. Just make sure you got mine.
Kalinda: I always have... and I always will.

Will: Kalinda is to be given a salary bump over Blake's. He is not her supervisor.
Bond: No.
Will: Then we got a problem, because this is the deal. Either we bump Kalinda's salary above Blake's, or the waters won't be calmed.