Weeds Review: The Grey Goose of Pot

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How much cash does Nancy Botwin need?!?

I get that the world's worst mother stopped dealing drugs merely for monetary purposes a long time ago, but she cleared well into the five figures on "Une M're Que J'aimerias B****r," didn't she? At some point, it would be great if Nancy simply called it a day and at least attempted to be an actual mother, wouldn't it?

Speaking of which, I must ask again: what happened to the Stevie custody storyline?!?

In The Hamptons

I actually wish this had been the arc for the season: Nancy dressing up MILF as some high class drug, getting herself inundated in Doug's world, Weeds sort of going all Royal Pains on us. It has far more potential, and feels a bit more organic, then the random inclusion of Zoya and her brother and that giant bag of guns from the premiere.

So, yes, I'm curious to see where this goes, although there's not much time remaining on the season for it to go very far.

Elsewhere, it was pretty much the same old, same old. Andy has thrown in bitter comments toward Nancy and his unrequited love for this "heartless" woman many times before, only to continue to serve as her lap dog. Can't see much changing in that regard here, no matter how many Long Island Iced Teas Andy downs or how many identities he takes on.

Silas, meanwhile, may have taken a true step out the door to conclude the episode, but he's been his own man all season now anyway. Now it's official, I guess, but a drug-dealing showdown between mother and son doesn't appeal to me. Nancy is beyond redemption. She might as well hire a hitman and take Silas out.

At least that would be a season-ending cliffhanger no one sees coming.

Une M're Que J'aimerias B****r Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Weeds Season 7 Episode 11 Quotes

These are well-connected members of high society. They do coke.


Ema: Ever been to therapy?
Silas: I already fucking know: it's all about my mom.