Community Review: We All Go Insane Sometimes...

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Community always serves up great holiday episodes, so it came as no surprise that I loved "Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps." Although I will say that Jeff's story was lacking. Was his idea of spooking everyone to wear a hideous Fast and the Furious jacket? I kid, I kid.

Before I go on, a question: who did everyone think would have the only sane psychology test result?

Pulling Their Glocks

I have to say that I missed Chang this week. Well, I missed the old Chang, not that crazy character who was mumbling gibberish from a few weeks ago. His cameo was totally underused. The dean, on the other hand, was awesome in his role as the devil. Will I ever get sick of seeing him in costumes?

Nope. Just like I will never get sick of the bromance between Troy and Abed and their sewn together awesomeness. Knocking out Pierce and making a ham sandwich? Their amazing chemistry as a duo took center stage in more than one of the horror stories.

Even in Pierce's porno-infused dream, Troy and Abed got their gangster on with a nod to Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. I know some people find Pierce to be a crazy, abrasive old man, which sometimes he is, but his story got the biggest laugh out of me. Of course, it included a younger version of himself swilling brandy and getting it on with all the ladies.

I'm surprised Jeff's story didn't include something like that. I'm also surprised that it was Annie's story that had Jeff feeding on a useless Britta and calling her a wench. The love triangle continues to get a little more intense every week. Even with subtle nods, it's obvious Jeff still has the hots for both, and both the girls not only know that but are basically cool with it. You know, until they get into an oily wrestling match again.

I wish we got to see them leave for the party in their individual costumes. I love to see how this group expresses themselves every Halloween. But I guess their horror stories addressed that whole fantasy aspect.

So tell me, were you all surprised that Abed was the only sane one? I'm not. This crew is crazy! How do you think this Halloween edition compared to the past two seasons?

Hit the comments and don't Britta this simple task: check out the best quotes from this spooktacular installment!

Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (65 Votes)
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Community Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Britta: I'm turned on by how logical you are.
Abed: I'm comforted by your shiny hair and facial symmetry.

Jeff, one of our friends is deeply disturbed.
