Community Review: Goofballs & Eggheads

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Most of the time, when Community goes high-concept - think "Modern Warfare" when Jeff and Britta did it; or the more recent "Pillows and Blankets" when we explored Abed and Troy's friendship - it combines pop culture parody with legitimate character development. Such is the genius of this sitcom.

But such wasn't really the case with "Basic Lupine Urology."

Sure, each character hit his/her regular notes perfectly - Troy and Abed working together; Jeff going from pompous to... less pompous; Britta thinking her psychology major can help solve any situation - but, for the most part, this was a straight-up mockery of Law & Order. And it was downright hilarious.

Fake Police

So without much to analyze in the ways of characters or relationships, let's just list the top moments from the half hour. Please play along and make your own iconic duh duh in between each bullet point...

  • Greendale Community College is made up of the goofballs that run around stirring up trouble, and the eggheads that make a big deal out of it. This was one of their stories.
  • Abed and Troy can't both do the zinger.
  • I was impressed with the Old West color, Britta. But as a psych major, you...
  • So close. Starburns almost fell for Abed as the "good cop."
  • And he can see and hear everything you're saying, Shirley!
  • Poor Pam the Yam. She was about to bloom.
  • Uniform!
  • Withdrawn!
  • You may proceed, Ms. Edison. But do so with caution. Need I remind you: this is NOT a courtroom! | permalink

Overall, an incredible, pitch perfect parody. Maybe not that many laugh-out-loud moments, and it certainly helped if one was familiar with the Law & Order franchise, but, like Shirley, haven't we all been bored at some point and watched some of these crime shows?

Community, you have the right to remain creative and hilarious. Please and thank you.

TV Fanatics, what was your favorite moment from the episode?

UPDATE: Apparently Staburns died in a meth lab explosion. This scene was NOT included in the screener sent to me ahead of time. React now!

Basic Lupine Urology Review

Editor Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (93 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Community Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Troy: How did we get the short straw?
Abed: It's not a short straw. It's a hot potato.
Troy: Yeah, well, it looks pretty cold to me.
Abed: Cold or dead?.
Troy: Survey says...
Abed: We can't both do the zinger.

Jeff: If it's any consolation, she got me here on a very misleading text message.
Annie: Technically, you are about to be screwed in the biology room.