Fake Police

Do not worry, citizens of Greendale. Troy and Abed are on the case. Even if they aren't real detective.

Jeff & Annie Look On In Shock

Jeff and Annie look on in shock when the science project is destroyed on this episode of Community. "Basic Lupine Urology" is the 17th installment of the show's 3rd season.

Community Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Troy: How did we get the short straw?
Abed: It's not a short straw. It's a hot potato.
Troy: Yeah, well, it looks pretty cold to me.
Abed: Cold or dead?.
Troy: Survey says...
Abed: We can't both do the zinger.

Jeff: If it's any consolation, she got me here on a very misleading text message.
Annie: Technically, you are about to be screwed in the biology room.