Girls Review: Baggage

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Although I felt there was potential, I wasn't completely sold on all of the hype of Girls until this week's episode. "All Adventurous Women Do" was the perfect blend of comedy and drama that I crave in a Sunday night HBO show.

What I like about these characters is that they are built in a realistic way, showcasing both good and bad qualities. After all, like Jerry Springer's show with which Shoshanna is obsessed, everyone has their baggage.

Allison Williams on Girls

Is that a real show? If so, I need to start watching ASAP. I know Hannah and Marnie aren't so flush, but I will pretty much live off of cereal for a month if it means I don't have to give up cable. Then again, I review TV shows so I suppose I'm somewhat justified in my needs!

I was ready to tear into Adam for playing with Hannah's belly and blatantly talking to her about losing weight, but then he did something somewhat uncharacteristic. When Hannah told him about the HPV he felt bad and gave her a supportive hug, as opposed to a lot of guys who would be like "GTFO." He may be a douche, but I don't think he's malintentioned per say, just kind of stupid.

But then again, what the hell is Hannah doing?

If a guy started playing with my fat after sex, you can bet your bottom dollar I would bounce out of that apartment like it was on fire. Not cool Adam. And even not cooler that Hannah keeps going back for more. Hannah's meeting with her college ex, Elijah, was equal parts hilarious and awkward as heck. She was there to confront him about one thing but he trumped that with even bigger news. The bombshells kept dropping from there.

Meanwhile, across town, Marnie had an encounter with what was supposed to be an artist playboy. Honestly, my best friend saw the first three episodes via screeners and actually told me about this scene so I was expecting it to be much hotter than it was. Booth Jonathan dressed like a freshman at boarding school in a too tight jacket, not some sexy ass artist who was about to rock Marnie's world.

That said, after boring people pleaser Charlie, Marnie so desperately needs a guy who can take charge in the bedroom. It's evident that it's not her libido that's the problem after her ever so stimulating trip to the bathroom. To see what provocative line Booth dropped on Marnie, head to our Girls quotes section.

By the way, it's time for Marnie to cut Charlie loose. It's just not fair to stay in a relationship with someone you're not in love with. 

It's safe to say that Hannah had a pretty damn bad day. Getting your love handles squeezed, bad news from the gyno, finding our your ex boyfriend is gay, being called handsome and told you dress manly - and finding out your dad might be gay - all warrant a dance session to Robyn's "Dancing On My Own." This happens to be one of my favorite songs and has also been featured prominently on Gossip Girl during a certain piano sex scene. 

Elsewhere, Jessa and Shoshanna were kind of backburner. I know I stated last week that I wasn't a big fan of Shoshanna, but I would like to see her get a better storyline and more screentime. What did everyone think of Girls, episode three? What would you put in you three baggage cases? Hit the comments!

All Adventurous Women Do Review

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Girls Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

My best dyke friend works for a dick doctor and I don't have that shit.


Hannah: How do I look?
Charlie: You look like you're gonna go put a hex on some popular girls.
Hannah: Oh okay American History X.