The Amazing Race Review: Federal Agents!

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Maybe federal agents are only impressive in the United States.

Outside of their jurisdiction – traveling the world on The Amazing Race, for example – federal agents are just like you and me. No weapons, no badges, no special powers. That was certainly the case for Nary and Jamie this week.

It is no secret that I’ve had enough of the self-promotion that fans of reality television have witnessed over the past two years. The bravado displayed by Philip on Survivor a few seasons ago was bad enough with him beating his chest about his former job. Nary and Jamie took it to another level this season feeling the need to hide their profession on the race.

Clay Target Hunting

Why they felt that if people knew they were federal agents it would impact their chances is anyone’s guess. No one can vote out another team on The Amazing Race, so even if people are impressed, there’s little they can do about it. 

Of course, no one really would care. Not on previous seasons and certainly not on this season with other law enforcement personnel also participating. Art and JJ are border patrol officers and Rachel and Dave both served in the military. With Nary and Jamie that’s a quarter of the participants.

Whatever their reasons, Nary and Jamie made a conscious decision to hide their profession. What is obviously not taught to federal agents is maintaining a cover. In a scene we were not shown last week Jamie completely blows their cover by asking JJ about what “UC” operations he and Art perform.

Art and JJ see right through them and put them on the spot this week. What do those scary federal agents do? Thrive under pressure? No, they look like fools completely denying that they’re in law enforcement and maintaining the idea that they’re kindergarten teachers. 

Again, why? They know they’re dead, just admit it. If being a federal agent is as scary as we’re all led to believe, everyone will understand. Heck, their law enforcement brethren are still in the race. 

All of this posturing is useless, of course, as it has nothing to do with the race. On the other hand, putting together an involved camp does have something to do with the race. At least it is this season when the racers were asked to do so before making it to the Pit Stop. 

Nary and Jamie, those huge federal agent threats, should have no trouble with such a task, right? Nope, apparently they were at a disadvantage because they didn’t have a male to help them with the build. Again, I ask, what is so impressive about federal agents?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that federal agents exist to protect us. It’s not a job I’d want to do; I’d be terrible at it. I’m sure that Nary and Jamie are great at their jobs. Heck, even Philip was probably good at his former job (harder to believe). I just don’t need them telling me, directly or indirectly, that they’re so impressive. 

As far as the race goes, I’m glad they’re not going home. They’re far more watchable than Brendon and Rachel and Vanessa and Ralph. Unfortunately, they just have not been all that impressive on the race yet.

Even if people would have been afraid of them at the start of the race because of their profession, they wouldn’t be now. They haven’t shown us anything to think otherwise.

More from this week:

  • I love that Art and JJ are starting fights just to stir the pot and get people rattled. So long as it doesn’t rattle them, as well, it’s a great strategy.
  • Mental toughness is a huge part of The Amazing Race. I simply wish we didn’t have to listen to pathetic Rachel whine as by product of their meddling.
  • Vanessa and Ralph aren’t much better, but at least Vanessa’s funny.
  • This week’s Detour might have been the fastest in the history of The Amazing Race. Cool, for sure, but neither was much of a challenge. Those who made the mistake of not choosing Courtship were not even penalized all that much. 
  • The final camp site building challenge before the Pit Stop was great, but I wish it did not take the place of the Roadblock. Put a Roadblock in along with that final challenge; now that’s a leg!

What did you think of The Amazing Race last night? Discuss below!

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The Amazing Race Season 20 Episode 7 Quotes

Teachers are a lot more friendlier.


Ooooooo, free candy!
