Wilfred Review: Dogs Versus Babies

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Sometimes Wilfred takes things a bit too far and ends up feeling guilty.  

Luckily for him, dogs can only feel guilt for a maximum of five seconds. Luckily for us, "Guilt" used that made up fact by its main character to execute a perfect call back at a major climax in the story to serve as the backbone of another great episode of Wilfred's hilarious second season.

Wilfy - as Jenna, Drewish Community Center and I call him - spent a majority of "Guilt" enthralled with the apparent war between dogs and babies over who is cuter. His actions towards Kristen's unborn child, which included trying to vacuum it out and sticking Kristen's voo doo doll in the belly, were pretty terrible.

Wilfred's In Trouble

He was partaking in these awful acts towards the baby for so long that when Wilfred finally came around to feeling guilty about it, I had forgotten about the five second rule. When his watch timer went off, reminding me of his clever rule for dogs, I absolutely lost it.

This war, and Wilfy's obsession with it, also gave us the hilarity of him naming off the fake battles between dogs and babies, and talking about the "brave, dead soldiers of the Babies R Us parking lot."

It also led to Wilfred getting put behind his doggy fence, and him bending down to shake the bars in disgust, when the man we see could easily just step over it. When the "actual" man, Ryan, does step over it, Wilfred was astonished.

How did you scale that giant wall? That's impossible.  

It's moments like those that remind us of why it is that this show is so good. You can easily get caught up in the natural comedy that abounds, but then there are moments when a man in a dog suit gets put behind a tiny fence, squats down to act as if he couldn't step over or push through the plastic fence, and is then surprised when a human achieves the apparently unimaginable feat... Unnatural humor.

"Guilt" also brought the return of Dorian Brown as Ryan's sister Kristen, and for as mean as Wilfred was to her unborn baby, Kristen was just as bad to Ryan. How awful can one sister be to her brother? Whether it was the five favors in a row (stay over, bring in bags, return rental, pick up kale, sleep in his bed), or using his razor on God knows what, every time Kristen made me angry I was just more impressed by Brown's performance.

As wonderful as this half hour was, I may have actually preferred an episode in which Wilfred pined over Jelly Beans's friendship for the entire time. That opening was fantastic.

The FX series continued to shine this week, but what did you all think of the episode? Was it your favorite yet, or not as good as the others? Check out our favorite lines at our Wilfred quotes page, and don't forget to follow @WilfredTVF on Twitter for news, reviews, quotes, and more!   

Guilt Review

Editor Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Wilfred Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Beans got a pair a month ago, and he's been snout deep in puss ever since.


Say what you want about Beans, but boy knows how to do it up right! There might even be a sprinkler.
