Californication Review: Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire

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At the onset of this week's Californication, Hank was severely lacking inspiration. When it came to "Rock and a Hard Place," however, there was no shortage of creative lubricant.

What we were treated to instead was an episode consisting of many classic traits of the show. Namely, sex, drugs and rock and roll.

I was very happy to see Hank not taking his "sobriety" so seriously. Hank lighting up a smoke and slugging whiskey, while pouring over his typewriter, is usually a formula for success when it comes to this series. After seeing him win the lone contestant, dead man float competition in Charlie's hot tub, I knew we were in for something good. 

Atticus Fetch Photo

While Hank was abusing his liver, Charlie was taking shots to his gut from Ken at work. Ken took "you're fired" to entirely new levels. While losing his job was rough on Charlie, it was good news for fans of the show because the dysfunctional dynamic duo were reunited. Charlie probably picked up the glass Hank put down, to start his day of drinking, in a scene that delivered one of my favorite Californication quotes of the week. 

With the murder suicide pact put on hold, the two friends began their quest to get back into the good graces of Atticus Fetch. Atticus was reminiscent of P. Diddy on Making the Band, what with his requests for an obscure guitar and some Peruvian flake. Did it strike anyone else as odd, though, how little Charlie knew about the vernacular of cocaine given Marcy's past? Either way, the search proved fruitful in several ways.

They got the guitar, the coke and we were treated to the reunion of Lost stars Maggie Grace and Jorge Garcia. I was disappointed to see Alcatraz canceled, so any excuse to fit Garcia's talents into a script is fine by me. I particularly liked the way he and Hank shared an affinity for saying, "mother f-cker!" 

Despite getting off on the wrong foot and drastically different hair styles, the parallels between Hank and Atticus were very apparent this week. Hank may not be a fan of the rock star's work, but they both rely on vices to kick start their creative processes don't they? While Hank's are well documented, Atticus leans heavily on a healthy supply of "magic song writing powder." 

Atticus was happy to ride the white horse to inspiration alone, but when Hank really needed some inspiration he turned to Karen, his true muse. Although Karen was too bust for Hank's games this week, leaving empty a void that Faith seemed only too happy to fill. I'll be looking forward to seeing how she helps our hero be all that he can be in the upcoming weeks. The description of herself as the hammer that will help Hank truly "nail it" was great. He is at his best when writing, so I hope she succeeds in her quest to really do something with his talents. 

Faith and Hank do make a cute couple, certainly more so than Charlie and Hank. One couple I am pulling for, though, is Marcy and Stu. I liked seeing how serious he was about getting his partner back, but this Ophelia I worry is like a Gargamel to our Cokey Smurf. Do you think Marcy will forgive Stu and unleash the hound or keep him under lock and key for much longer? 

Rock and a Hard Place Review

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Californication Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Ken: How was the party last night?
Charlie: Ah well, guys in black leather, the smell of moist ass hair. What's not to like?

Hank: How'd it go buddy boy?
Charlie: I'm sitting in the dark in my underwear Hank, day drinkin'.
Hank: Got it.