Modern Family Review: Past, Present, Future

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On this week's episode of Modern Family, Claire and Phil got a glimpse of what their future children might look and act like. In "The Future Dunphys," Claire went to the hospital for an angiogram and found that she has an interesting neighbor.

Norm had three kids who were eerily similar to the Dunphy children!

Manny's Private School Visit

Truth be told, this wasn't one of my favorite episodes of Modern Family. There are a ton of installment of this Emmy-winning sitcom that garner laugh out loud moments from me, but tonight wasn't one of them. While there were definitely amusing moments, I felt that overall it fed a little too deeply into stereotypes. Here's what I liked and what I could've passed on:


Cam/Mitchell/Lily and Gloria's whole storyline. Don't get me wrong, I support Gloria's notion that people should know more about their heritage and where they came from. I also thought it was funny that Cam was flashing back to when he knew he was gay at age five. Pretty much anytime Cam describes his time on the farm I laugh. He just delivers it so well.

I also understand that Lily is a little kid and was confused about her heritage. I have a best friend who is adopted from another country. I also have seven nieces and nephews and sometimes the things that come out of their mouths have me doing a triple take. Sometimes Lily's storylines just get a little irritating. She can be bratty and that whole scene at the restaurant felt more cringeworthy than funny.

The way Mitchell kept sticking his foot in his mouth was kinda funny, but everything felt more awkward than amusing. It felt like the writers needed to hit some sort of stereotype quota for the episode.


I truly love scenes between Jay and Manny. I love their bond. It was also fun to see the tables turn tonight. We all know that Manny is the uptight old soul with tendencies towards a very old-school, preppy lifestyle. Never would I have thought that Jay wanted that when he was younger. 

Manny blowing his interview was ultimately sad for him, but it was pretty fun in the moment. Loved when he did the moonwalk and told the dean to hit him in the stomach. Most of all, I love that no matter what happens, Jay is proud of him.

The Future Dunphys plotline was obvious but there were a few laughs. Haley, Alex and Luke all have unique personalities so finding another trio exactly like them was great. I especially loved this exchange between Alex and Claire:

Claire: Alex what have I told you about staying out past your curfew?

Alex: I need to do it more often.| permalink

Despite the fact that I didn't think this was the strongest episode of Modern Family, I did think there were a lot of hilarious lines. Check out more in our Modern Family quotes section! What did you think of the latest episode?

The Future Dunphys Review

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Modern Family Season 4 Episode 19 Quotes

Claire: Alex what have I told you about staying out past your curfew?
Alex: I need to do it more often.

Wouldn't you rather have toast that's already buttered?
