Modern Family Review: A New Manny

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Modern Family's latest episode was chock full of terrific guest stars, thanks to appearances by Adam DeVine, Peri Gilpin, Nathan Lane and Fred Willard. 

"The Help" focused on three separate story lines from the three different families, giving us three different sets of laughs!

However, I found that the funniest part of the half hour to be completely word-free. Nothing was better than Lily at the end rolling her eyes and banging her head on the table listening to Cam, Mitchell and Pepper arguing over wedding plans. Baby girl, I feel you!

Pepper Plans a Wedding

The Dunphys

Fred Willard was back as Phil's father. It turns out he broke up with that sweet woman from the Modern Family season 4 finale, Annie. We later find out it was because he was worried about getting intimate, a problem he didn't have when he picked up Peri Gilpin. Then again, Gilpin was a hooker so really she picked him up.

I loved the scene with Jay taking the guys out. He was so upset that that woman turned him down. He was ready to whip out Gloria's beauty pageant pictures! Phil was nervous as only Phil would be. I loved how he hasn't forgotten about Jay telling him to "grow a pair" at the Celine Dion concert. I agree, Phil, the boat sank but Jack and Rose's love never died! The Haley and Alex fighting was just a pain to hear. 


Cam and Mitchell are ready to freak out mid-wedding planning. Luckily for them, Nathan Lane was back as Pepper and Pepper is a wedding planning machine. On a complete stress high from planning 50-something gay weddings, Pepper puts the guys in Willy Wonka looking top hats and wants them to make their entrance on a "unicorn." When the boys mesh better with Pepper's assistant, Rinaldo, everything goes awry.

This storyline was a little too telenovela for me. Despite the usual awesome performances by Cam and Mitch, sometimes Pepper is just so over the top. I know he's supposed to be but it can be overwhelming. Then his love moment with Rinaldo was even soapier. Like I said, Lily was my favorite part of that storyline.


Gloria has been firing all the nannies because she doesn't like sharing her home with another woman. Also, Manny has been hitting on them. He hit puberty, what did they expect?? When she meets Workaholics' Adam DeVine at the park, all her problems are solved. He's a nanny, a trainer, and a chef all in one. Jay and Manny are not impressed.

Andy: I'm the new manny.

Manny: Am I being replaced? | permalink

Then Andy gives them the one thing that Jay and Manny could never achieve on their own: Andy can calm Gloria down and get her to stop yelling. Voila, he's hired and it's protein shakes and morning power walks.

The Help Review

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Modern Family Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Pepper: My job is to give you a snowflake that makes everyone die with jealousy.
Cam: That's all we've ever wanted.

I don't like another woman in my house. I want to be the star.
