How I Met Your Mother Review: Chall-ng Acc-pt-d

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As we checked back in with the crew at the Farhampton Inn, 31 hours before the wedding, Barney and the others tried to cheer up an emotional Robin.

Sighting his perfect record, Barney accepted the challenge of turning his bride to be's frown upside down.

The Friendship Question

When Lily took exception to Barney's claim, How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 9 turned back the clock six months to a night Barney took on an onslaught of challenges and Ted tried to convince Marshall he was over Robin.

Lily always has her relationship radar on when it comes to Ted and Robin, so after seeing their little inside joke resurrected, she engaged Ted in a painfully funny game of footsie. Barney's shins were next to feel her wrath after his comment about Robin and Marshall. 

Barney: Truth is, I only know of one truly platonic relationship.
Lily: You and me.
Barney: Don't make me laugh Lily. You want to hit this so hard.

For all the challenges Barney has accepted over the years, Lily accurately noted how they almost always play to his strengths.

Watching Barney take on everything she and Robin could throw at him was one of the more entertaining segments of How I Met Your Mother Season 9. None made me laugh harder than when he had to get a girl's number while wearing a garbage bag and refraining from using the letter E.

Ted and Marshall, meanwhile, had a pretty serious conversation at the Harlem Globetrotters game. Having them cheering for The Generals was a great twist, keeping the scenes from getting too serious. It was so nice to see Marshall anywhere but on the road with Daphne. Watching him ride the refs at the game was a real treat.

The episode would have been fine story wise if Ted didn't get offered the job in Chicago. Getting to see Bryan Cranston scream threats through the phone, though, made that void left by the series finale of Breaking Bad feel a tad less cavernous.

The show continued its crawl toward the wedding day, but we did get some more mother scenes. She completely unnerved Barney with her reaction when he tried to hit on her. Then he got some pretty solid advice. 

Do you want to keep playing or do you want to win?

The Mother

While the usually impulsive Ted bided his time, Barney took action and ended up getting the girl. It still remains to be seen, however, what Ted is planning to do, as it seems almost certain he will tell Robin one last time how he feels.

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How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 9 Quotes

And the only survivor was me, because I was upstairs banging Ted's mom. What? Get that blonde girl's phone number? Challenge accepted!


Do you want to keep playing or do you want to win?

The Mother