Revenge Review: Silver Linings Playbook

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When Revenge is good, it's really good, and right now this show is heating up.

Revenge Season 3 Episode 7 gave us shirtless Jack, Nolan in glasses (adorable), actual chemistry between two characters, Charlotte being useful and a silver-lined takedown.

There's little doubt this upswing is thanks to November Sweeps, but whatever the reason for the Revenge resurgence, I'll take it.

The PR Plan

The episode opened with Emily and Aiden in a boat going over their plan to frame Victoria and Emily remarked that when this is over, she'll never see Charlotte or Nolan again. Her dread at the idea of leaving behind those about whom she cares deeply was palpable throughout the installment. 

One of the things that really worked well tonight, and which will hopefully continue to work, is the feeling that Emily is saying goodbye and having a hard time with it. We so rarely see Emotional Emily that when she comes out to play, it's a treat. These people, Nolan especially, are her Achilles heel. 

We know Emily can't really be leaving. Revenge wouldn't be what it is without her. But the scenes are being written in such a way that it actually feels possible that she could make an exit. 

Scenes with Ems and Nolan are always some of my favorites, and tonight was no exception. They worked together so that he could take down the public relations manager, Bizzy, who cost him the last 10 years of his father's life, and this time, Emily gave Nolan the takedown, opting instead to be his sidekick.

Emily: It was kind of fun being your wingman.
Nolan: I taught you well, grasshopper.

And that's what they are: sidekicks. Ems without Nolan is like Nolan without an impeccably accessorized outfit. It just doesn't seem possible. 

Another thing that never seemed possible was Charlotte being useful, but here she is, all grown up and scheming on her own. Even Victoria sees the potential in Charlotte's plan.

Charlotte deserves some credit here. Having Sara come between Daniel and Emily is genius. There's a chemistry between Sara and Daniel that is hard to ignore. Yes, Daniel and Emily are written to have very little chemistry because she's using him to take down his parents, but still, the tension between Sara and Daniel is present and real and that's a relationship I would happily see explored. 

Except Victoria has her hands in it now, so it will wilt and turn black under her grip of death and doom. Thanks for nothing, V.

But the real fireworks - and waterworks - of the night came courtesy of Jack who finally took off his wedding ring and said goodbye to FauxManda.

Margaux is growing on me as a strong woman with integrity, so I actually kind of like her with Jack (if Jack can't be with Emily, that is). When she left their date, I knew immediately that Jack was struggling with the idea that the last woman he loved is dead and he's a single dad.

His scene at the cemetery was heartbreaking. Nolan gave him the push he needed to say goodbye and close that chapter of his life.

Then Jack went and got his groove back. He's lost so much that I really just want the guy to be happy for a while. And if that means he gets shirtless more often, that's okay by me.

What did you think of Revenge Season 3 Episode 7? Can you feel the tension between Sara and Daniel? Does this feel like goodbye for Emily, even if we know she's not really going anywhere? 

Resurgence Review

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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Revenge Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Ah, you and Vicki. Besties. That kind of runs counter to your master plan of framing her for murder, no?


Growing up, my father said the ocean was a great escape. As time passed, I also learned that its great expanse holds greater secrets and the ability to hold mine. And that like love, it is at its heart fluid, powerful, and sometimes violent. But in its harshest reality, the ocean is a barrier separating you from those you love.
