2 Broke Girls Review: Full Disclosure

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There are key moments in any relationship that you will always remember:

The first kiss, the first date, the first "I Love You," and, of course, the first time you find out your dumpster-dwelling boyfriend is rich. 

Okay, so maybe Max is the only one who has to deal with that last one. But, to her credit, she processed through a lot of emotions in 2 Broke Girls Season 3 Episode 15, even going so far as saying she loved Deke. So can you really blame her for being taken back by the learning that the guy comes from money?

Actually, it was interesting to see how Caroline and Max handled Deke’s financial status. It appears that after more than 60 episodes of struggling for cash, Caroline was more comfortable with the idea of Deke being poor than Max was when she learned of his background.

Both girls clearly have their comfort bubbles. But if Caroline can learn to be content, even happy being poor, can Max figure out how to be satisfied with Deke being rich? 

Of course, the bigger news of the night was Max’s willingness to say the L-word to Deke. She’s always been a bit commitment-phobic, so it coming so easily to her with Deke should show how much she cares about him. 

Granted, there has to be a story behind Deke deciding to live in a dumpster like a hobo. I hate giving up premium cable channels when money is tight, I can’t imagine what would drive a rich kid to live in a dumpster. Let’s hope we get a chance to find out. 

Overall, it was an excellent episode. Hysterically funny in places, touching in others, and the biggest surprise of all, it had a nice moral message, which can be hard to work in with penis jokes. So, I’m giving this episode 4.8 chocolate I Love Yous in honor of Deke and Max sharing their hearts.

Do you think Max and Deke will get past him being rich?

And the Icing on the Cake Review

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Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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2 Broke Girls Season 3 Episode 15 Quotes

You know, I once had sex on a bus and I was driving it. Oh...... were those kids late to school.


Sophie: I just heard two hobos getting freaking in the garbage.
Caroline: Sophie, that was Max and Deke.