Modern Family Review: Timing is Everything

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Sometimes life is all about timing and patience.

Modern Family Season 5 Episode 11 brought Joe and Manny's shared birthday and also brought the whole family together to celebrate and reflect.

Luke at a Police Station

After a day full of hijinks and tension, everyone got together and kind of found a common denominator. Timing is really everything. Jay was so worried about Manny going for a girl who might be out of his league that he never gave any thought to the fact that falling for a person typically happens over time.

Gloria revealed that it took her a month to realize Jay was the one for her. Cam needed two months to decide if he was into Mitchell, which is ironic because he was giving Mitchell heat all day for being the one who hesitates on everything! And Phil, oh my poor Phil... it took Claire six whole months to realize her love for him.

And Claire was already preg- uh, I mean living with Phil. You know what? I kinda call BS on that one. Why would Claire already be living with Phil if she didn't love him? Maybe she just hadn't come to terms with how strongly she was feeling? I mean, how can you not love Phil Dunphy?

Especially when he's tricking Luke to go to dance class by telling him it's autopsy camp.

Luke: It's called growing up and having your own interests. Like the minister's daughter in your precious Footloose.
Phil: Wow, using my own movie against me. Let's hear it for the boy.

Phil and Luke are comedic gold together. Their entire interaction in the car was amazing. I can't believe Phil got arrested for Haley's unpaid parking tickets at college. If that were true in real life, both of my parents would've been arrested for me multiple times. Legit.

Cam and Mitchell always play perfectly off of each other, it's why they are a couple. I loved their double-teaming effort at the mall to get the girls to make up. I also loved that Mitchell admitted there was very little difference between dealing with his friends and teenage girls. They both got defensive over the respective girls they were talking to. Those two get emotionally involved in everything.

At the end of the day, I've got to give Haley the MVP for this episode. She is by no means a smart girl, but dammit if she doesn't pull off some of the best stunts on this show. People underestimate her. Look at her tonight, she managed to take the heat off of her parents when Alex and Luke were flipping out. She did it all on the spot too!

What do you all think? Haley Dunphy: secret genius?

And One to Grow On Review

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Modern Family Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Driving with Alex is torture. She drives so slowly, I have to be the only parent who slams on the imaginary gas.


He keeps resisting but it's in his blood. I come from a long line of dancing Dunphys. A kickline actually.
