Brooklyn Nine-Nine Review: Cantaloupe Time!

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Jake is Charles' best man, Terry goes on a diet with Gina and Amy and Rosa learns to apologize. With three concurrent stories on Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 1 Episode 20, the laughs kept coming, and the show continued the winning streak that it's been on for several weeks now.

Let's start with Jake and Charles:

Charles asked Jake to be his best man (or forlover in Danish), and Jake was happy to oblige. However, they ran into a bit of difficulty: Jake found out that Vivian got a job in Ottawa and wanted Charles to leave Brooklyn with her. Charles, afraid to lose Vivian, refused to tell her that he didn't want to relocate.

For the record - I'm Canadian. Ottawa, our nation's capital, is a perfectly lovely city! (Well, okay, sometimes it's a little boring.) Anyway...

We've seen time and again that Jake has a mature, responsible side neatly tucked away within his man-child persona. Usually we get to see a little bit of both sides in any given episode.

Tonight, however, we pretty much only saw grown-up Jake, as he spent the entire episode either being tolerant of Charles' ridiculous wedding decisions and trying to be Charles' voice of reason.

I will say that I prefer when Andy Samberg gets to be a little goofy, and that was largely toned down this episode. However, he was convincing enough as a responsible adult, It was refreshing to see the tables turned - Charles being irresponsible and Jake talking him down.

Now for the dieting trio:

Terry, Gina and Amy decided to team up for one of the most ridiculous diets ever known to man. I mean, their breakfast was a grape and three almonds and lunch was a slice of cantaloupe. No thank you. Gina caved almost immediately - as would I.

Which brings us to the funniest part of the episode: Santiago's "hypoglycemic rage." When poor Hitchcock stepped on her lunch almond, Amy almost literally bit his head off and had to be dragged off kicking and screaming by Terry.

I think that's my favorite scene so far with Melissa Fumero. My goodness, I would have never guessed that she had that in her.

Poor Terry got left alone in the diet, and while trying to show that he was still as strong as ever, he lifted a car. Which is still impressive despite the insane flatulence that followed. Good old fart humor!! Potty jokes can a dicey area for a lot of comedies, but I'm okay with a little low-brow every once in a while.

It was really sweet that Terry was trying to do the diet for his wife, and even sweeter that he always reassured her that she looked perfect to him. That solicited a big "awwwwww!!" from me.

And now the queen of mean:

An officer in the precinct filed a formal complaint against Rosa for her abrasive and insulting behavior and, frankly, I'm surprised that hasn't happened sooner.

The complaint would be rescinded if Rosa apologized - which would be fine if Rosa had any remorse or desire to do so. Captain Holt had to teach her how to apologize, along with why it was a better alternative than humiliating everyone who makes a mistake.

Holt saw something that Rosa didn't see in herself; potential as a leader.  It was nice to see Rosa learn something about herself and grow in that way.

As a minor plot, it was okay, but it was very well executed by the actors. Stephanie Beatriz and Andre Braugher really played off each other quite well. That extended "I'm sorry" back-and-forth between them was pretty funny.

Again, another solid episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


  • I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that Captain Holt doesn't know who Emperor Palpatine is.
  • I MUST HAVE a recording of the Cantaloupe song. Don't let me down, Internet. "Cantaloupe....Yes I can!"
  • Today in Hitchcock and Scully: between the coma and the drug addiction, how is Scully even still alive?
  • The "Diane Keaton" comment Jake made on Boyle's suit had me in stitches!

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