Once Upon a Time Review: It's a Boy!

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The Charmings welcomed a baby boy into the world in Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 20 - but going into labor was the least of Snow's concerns:

Zelena broke through all of their defenses and stole the child straight from his mother's hands.

Even scarier was that Zelena considered the baby an "ingredient" for her spell. She had Rumpel's mind, Regina's heart and Charming's courage. The kid represented pure innocence. 

My favorite moments occurred before Zelena even arrived to steal the baby. The banter between Emma, Hook and Charming was some of the most entertaining of the episode. 

First, it was nice to see that at least Charming was willing to cut Hook a break. Zelena put him in a horrible position and he did the best he could. With Henry's life on the line, Hook chose to keep his mouth shut. Unfortunately, Emma wasn't so forgiving. Given her past, she doesn't trust easily and it's easier to shut Hook out than let him in.

So the last thing she wanted was Hook tagging along as she went to hunt down Zelena.

Emma: What is he going to do? I have magic he has one hand.
David: At the very least he can draw fire.
Hook: What, now I'm canon fodder?

Poor Hook really took a verbal beating from Ms. Swan, especially as she told Zelena in this Once Upon a Time quote

Next time you try to take my power away why don't you try enchanting the lips of someone I'll actually kiss.


Ouch! That was seriously cold, especially since she knows Hook has feelings for her. But no matter how angry Emma was, she wasn't about to let him drown. I'm certain Hook was hoping for something a little more romantic when it came to mouth to mouth... but saving his life was enough to rob Emma of her powers. 

Emma's biggest issue with Hook is that he sees through her fears and that scares the heck out of her. Perhaps if Charming gets his courage back he can share some of it with his daughter.

Back in Oz, we got a glimpse of the life Zelena could have had. She could have chosen good and had sisters, but she's far too insecure and easily led by envy. In the end, Zelena believed she was wicked, so she became wicked. 

I loved that Regina was the one to defeat her sister and that she used light magic to do it. Henry had finally taught his mother a valuable lesson…

Evil is isn't born, it's made and so is good.


And good can be equally powerful, if not more so. It will be interesting to see exactly what Regina can become with both Henry and Robin by her side. Of course, that's if Henry gets to stay in Storybrooke, but we'll get back to that in a minute.

Because across town Belle was offering up the dagger to Rumpelstiltskin. She loves him and she trusts him with her whole heart. Let's hope that love is completely unconditional because I can only imagine how she'll feel if she finds out her new fiance switched daggers with a slight of hand. 

It would have been naive to believe that Rumpel would let Zelena live after killing his son. Not even Belle's love is strong enough to exert that kind of change. 

The final scenes had me wondering what would be left to fill next week's Once Upon a Time Season 3 finale but then Emma told Hook she still intended to head back to New York. He looked so relieved to see her finally smiling one moment and then completely crushed the next. The poor guy really can't seem to catch a break.

As sure as Emma seemed in her plan, there were several factors she hadn't taken into account. First, Henry's not a small child any longer. He'll have an opinion and he won't follow her without voicing it. Second, Henry has two mothers and I doubt Regina will easily let her son go no matter how much good recent events have inspired.  

So is Zelena really dead? What's with the traveling green mist from the pendant? And do you have any idea what Once Upon a Time has in store for us next?

What do you think, TV Fanatics. Despite the romantic proposal, will Rumpelstiltskin and Belle ever really get married?

Here is your first look at the two-hour Once Upon a Time season finale:

Kansas Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 20 Quotes

David: Zelena backed you into a corner. You did the best you could.
Hook: See, even your father gets it.
Emma: Yeah, because he knows about keeping secrets from loved ones.

Zelena: You think I'll fail.
Rumpelstiltskin: I think destiny is destiny.