Once Upon a Time Round Table: "Kansas"

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After much speculation, the Charmings had a baby boy in Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 20 - and Zelena was quick to try and use his innocence for her own wicked plan. 

Below, TV Fanatics Jim Garner, Robin Harry, Michelle Carlbert are joined by Gareth from Once Upon a Fan to debate why Emma is always so hard on Hook, if Rumpel and Belle will ever walk down the aisle and what the Charmings should name their baby boy...

Why do you think Emma is so hard on Hook?

Robin: Hook sees right through Emma and he calls her out on everything. He challenges her.  She can't hide anything from him so she lashes out.  Also, she's totally into him.  On a completely different note - can no one in Storybrooke lend Hook a pair of jeans and a t-shirt?

Jim: I'm betting Emma was one of those little girls who punched the little boy she liked. She's always hardest on the ones she loves. Killian is no exception. And I was wondering the same thing, Robin. He would look killer in a pair of Levi's and a leather or suede jacket. 

Michelle: She loves him, but can't handle it. Whether it's because of guilt now that Neal is dead or because she's just afraid of being happy and perhaps losing him someday, I'm not sure. 

Gareth: Emma is scared to get close to anyone. She has built up so many walls to stop herself from getting hurt and Hook recognizes that. He sees right through her and understands her. The harder he fights to get close to her, the harder she tries to push him away. 

Do you think Rumpel and Belle will ever really get married?

Robin: Not when Belle finds out about his latest deception.  Oh Rumpel. After all that talk about trust, you pull THAT stunt?

Jim: I would have said yes up until Rumpel killed Zelena, knowing that Belle asked him not to. I think the truth will come out and she will need time. 

Michelle: After what appeared to be a beautiful proposal, I would have said yes. Now? I'm not so sure. Though he could continue his sweet act and get her to the altar. I just have to wonder how long it would be before she discovered the truth.

Gareth: I think Rumple has just ruined his chance of happiness with Belle in the short term. Belle is going to find out that Rumple killed Zelena. The fall out from that may halt any wedding plans! 

Is Zelena truly dead?

Robin: I don't think so. I'm not sure what happened in the end there, but I don't think she's actually dead. 

Jim: In as much as anyone is truly dead. In other words... I doubt it. 

Michelle: Nope. She is obviously coming back and it's obvious that when it does happen, it will be all Rumpel's fault. She was locked up and powerless, but now I think his actions may have just made her stronger.

Gareth: No way. Her power resides in that pendant. It is Zelena’s personal Horcrux! It amazed me that not one of them had the sense to destroy it.

What did you think of Dorothy in Oz?

Robin: I thought Dorothy's story was okay. I liked how they twisted the death-by-water scenario.  Glinda's not very bright, though.

Jim: Loved they did the silver slippers from the book instead of ruby from the movie. Where the heck was Toto? 

Michelle: So many great moments! Loved all the references they managed to pack in to just a few scenes. I too was happy to see them use the silver slippers form the book and not the ruby ones from the movie. 

Gareth: They did quite a lot with Dorothy in a short amount of time. I really enjoyed OUAT’s take on the character. I’m glad the water fight was a distraction set up by Zelena. It always was quite a lame way to kill the Wicked Witch. 

Pick a name for the Charming's baby boy.

Jim: James Charming has a nice ring to it... right?

Robin: Well played, Jim! I also like James, because that was the name of Charming's twin brother.  

Michelle: Oh wow, I have no idea so I'll just pick James, too. I think it would be fitting to name him after Charming's twin brother. 

Gareth: No idea. I think the name will be pretty significant though and may factor into where we are going next season. 

What was your favorite scene from this Once Upon a Time Season 3 episode?

Robin: I liked the scene with Zelena and Regina at the jail cell.  I love that Regina's now a hero and can use light magic, but she didn't suddenly become a pushover. She'll still crush a heart if she has to!

Jim: I loved Regina as the hero, not letting Rumpel kill Zelena in the barn. I adore Regina as one of the good guys, I hope we don't lose that. 

Michelle: Regina wielding light magic to defeat Zelena, declaring herself changed and then proving it by not letting Rumpel kill her sister. Loved every second of that battle and the aftermath. 

Gareth: Regina using light magic. Loved every moment of that battle. Was brilliant to see Regina be the hero and save the day. Also loved the scene at the end between Regina and Zelena. It was really well played by both actresses. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 20 Quotes

David: Zelena backed you into a corner. You did the best you could.
Hook: See, even your father gets it.
Emma: Yeah, because he knows about keeping secrets from loved ones.

Zelena: You think I'll fail.
Rumpelstiltskin: I think destiny is destiny.