Supernatural Season 10 Episode 3 Review: Soul Survivor

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The demon Dean arc was certainly one of the freshest and most entertaining ideas Supernatural has had of recent, especially considering the series has been on for nearly 200 episodes.

It can be hard to sometimes keep that Impala engine of new ideas going, but the writers and brain-trust behind the show keep finding ways to fuel up the story just a little more.

The whole concept of Dean as a demon has been both off-putting and engaging, and that certainly rests on the shoulders of both actor Jensen Ackles (who also directed Supernatural Season 10 Episode 3) and the fact we’ve gotten to know the ins and outs of the character for over nine years.

Demon Dean has that Dean charm and mannerisms, but with that evil twist of pummeling you to a bloody pulp while saying all the nasty things that can tear at you emotionally. And it's done with a smug smile to top it off.

Except, Dean’s been apart from Sam for a while now, so to see the two Winchester brothers essentially have to face each other in at the Men of Letters bunker was an exciting concept.

Because the real question was if Sam could even save Dean from being a demon. Curing a demon was clearly possible, and it had nearly been done with Crowley, but would it save Dean? Would it kill him? Would it do nothing?

If anything, I loved the back and forth between the brothers. Seeing Dean try everything to goad Sam, to say those nasty things about ruining his life or that Sam might be more of a monster than he made an impact. At the same time, seeing Sam try to ignore the words, to feel anguish at not being sure if he could help his brother and the prospect that he might have to kill him was also just as relevant.

Plus, I loved Sam’s responses about not wanting to debate Dean or telling him he hates demons after Dean said he hated shots.

But things ramped up from the verbal to the physical after Dean managed to break free, and I enjoyed the whole cat and mouse game. There was some real tension created from watching Dean strut around, hammer in hand, while Sam would hide behind corners and peak out. It felt like some old-school horror, while even reminding me of The Shining.

The door breaking scene alone reminded me of Jack Nicholson slamming through and saying “Here’s Johnny.” But I’ve got to admit that “I like the disease” quote coming from Dean made for a great line as he prepared to come right at his brother.

I guess it’s really lucky Castiel came in at just the right time to stop demon Dean and finally help Sam rid the elder Winchester brother of that black-eyed burden once and for all. Except, I was kind of disappointed it seemed easily fixed.

I know they still have to deal with the Mark of Cain, but I was liking this evil version of Dean, at least for the time being.

Maybe, Dean wasn't fully cured and his demon ways will come back again? There was just something so fresh about that demon tale that I find it a little hard to believe it's all over. Or maybe I'm just not quite ready for it to be done so soon after it began.

If anything, the hour seemed to re-align things for all the characters and set them on a new course.

Crowley, while I wasn’t as enamored with the sentimental flashbacks this time around, seemed especially bored. And perhaps that statement about the way he was choosing to run Hell, along with the demon on fire, may have pushed him to quit sitting around. Crowley’s a schemer, and he seemed way more chipper in ruthlessly stabbing that one angel to give her grace back to Castiel.

He's bound to come back for Castiel again, but what is his new plan this time?

Similarly, we know Castiel and Hannah are on their trip to find the rogue angels (not exactly my favorite), but Castiel’s renewed sense of self with that stolen grace sort of hit the reset button for him. I’m curious where his story is going to go, and if there might be some romance in the air for the angel. There were plenty of hints at it during the hour.

But like Castiel said to Dean, things seem pretty much back to normal in Heaven and Hell for now. That can only mean it won’t take long before some new supernatural being, like that mysterious red-haired woman at the end, steps up to cause problems.

And of course, after a little rest, drinking and fast food, Sam and Dean should be ready to take up the task. Though I would think they need to talk a bit about the whole demon ordeal... if it's truly all fixed and over.

What did you think of Sam trying to cure demon Dean? Who was that woman at the end? Sound off below and be sure to see all of demon Dean's antics when you watch Supernatural online.

And here's your first look at Supernatural Season 10 Episode 4, "Paper Moon."

Soul Survivor Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (60 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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