The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 4 Review: The Hook-Up Reverberation

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I'm just not feeling The Big Bang Theory Season 8.

It's not that the episodes have been bad. It's that none of them have popped like they had the potential to do, which has left me disappointed with the season. By the end of The Big Bang Theory Season 7, the writers set up for a shift in storytelling with Sheldon's train trip, Leonard and Penny's engagement and the introduction of Raj's girlfriend.

All three of those have played into the stories being told, but none of them in a hilarious, laugh-so-hard-your-stomach-hurts manner. When I saw that the guys were considering an investment in Stuart's comic book store on The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 4, my interest was heightened. The possibilities! Oh, the possibilities that would bring.

Yet, once again,  I was left disappointed. There were some funny lines and moments, but then it came to a predictable and unsatisfying end. Instead, we're left with the same ole same ole. At least, we can expect the comic book store to make a return at some point. Will Howard's mother end up working the counter to protect her investment? Hmm, now that could work.... Only it won't happen.

One aspect of the half hour that I did appreciate was when the guys went to their significant other to discuss the comic book store investment. It's rare that we see any character evolution, but this was a clear sign of the importance their wife/girlfriend has on them now. A couple seasons ago, they would have just spent the money without any input from Penny, Bernadette or Amy. Remember the 3D printer?

I was shocked that Sheldon talked to Amy about it at all. While they aren't in a sexual relationship, he has started to treat her with the consideration that she deserves. He didn't grow as much as I would have liked from his time alone traveling from coast to coast, but this demonstrates Sheldon's evolving .... slow as it may be.

I'm starting to enjoy the Sheldon-Amy relationship more and more each week.

I wish the same could be said about Raj and Emily. For seasons, I have begged for Raj to get a real girlfriend and she was great until now. Raj and Emily have a fun banter and understanding that makes their partnership work. I would have liked to have gotten to know her a little bit better before throwing in her dislike of Penny.

It may have worked better if they didn't hate each other in the end. The dislike between them could create some interesting cattiness in upcoming episodes, but that just means that poor Raj has to deal with it. In the end, I'd love to see Emily get along with the girls at least as well as Sheldon and Howard tolerate each other.

I love the characters on The Big Bang Theory and when compared to other comedies, it's still one of the best. The jokes are good, they just aren't The Big Bang Theory great and that's a disappointment. You can always check out your favorite episodes! Watch The Big Bang Theory online or read our The Big Bang Theory quotes section for some laughs.

What do you think? Loving this season? Is it a bit stale? What was your favorite moment? Did something make you laugh out loud?

The Hook-Up Reverberation Review

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Rating: 3.6 / 5.0 (55 Votes)

Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 4 Quotes

Raj: Since when do you read Social Science?
Sheldon: I go to the bathroom like everybody else.

Leonard: What? You're afraid of both dinosaurs and chickens.
Sheldon: Yes, but tell me a dinosaur chicken salad sandwich wouldn't hit the Mesozoic spot.