The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 3 Review: Crimes & Misdemeanors & Ex-BFs

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Mindy got some blasts from the past on The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 3. Unfortunately, none of them were very welcoming. 

Mindy is still trying to fit her way into Danny's life, more particularly, his apartment.

After Danny wouldn't let Mindy keep a teeny-tiny bag of her things at his place, she tries her hardest to find the right hiding spot to keep it in. She fails miserably, but she found some entertaining places. My favorite? The very obvious microwave. 

Danny, the generous boyfriend he is, gives her a rolling suitcase to carry her things in. His complete obliviousness to the situation was amusing, but I also wanted to shake him until he comprehended what he was actually doing. 

Mindy also got a rude awakening when she was being sued for not paying her taxes. Though, I find it hard to believe that a woman as educated as Mindy didn't know that she had to pay her taxes, but nonetheless, her crime caused her to have to get help from Cliff, her lawyer, ex-boyfriend who she cheated on with Danny. 

Tax evasion is a serious crime. You're stealing from America. Are you proud of yourself? You're stealing from the Grand Canyon. The Liberty Bell.


Cliff had a nice little re-introduction, especially considering that last time we saw him he punched Danny in the face. Though he doesn't want to help Mindy with the case, she lies/guilts him into it by it by going all puppy-dog face and giving the story of Danny tragically cheating on her. It was even better when Mindy used the same tactic on Danny to tell him about this lie.

Mindy's scene in the elevator with her exes in the elevator was a highlight of the episode. Even though it was short, nothing beat the zen-like flute music as Brendan talked about Danny's "energy." 

Though I never, ever thought I would say this, having Mindy's exes around made Danny gave off more of a creepy vibe in this episode. Maybe it was just having Danny refer to himself as "Daddy," but he wasn't as characteristically adorable as he usually is, just weird. 

Cliff weasels a dinner date out of Mindy to help with her case and if there's one thing I've always thought The Mindy Project does well, it was how they show text message conversations on screen. They fit into the scene so well, especially when being secretive, and make them just as colorful as the show itself.

In other places, Peter just got stomped all over in the night's episode. Lauren broke up with him and then she wants to be with Jeremy. Tough break, Peter.

Though his moment with Lauren's son was sweet and showed much different side to how Peter is usually seen. But, what made that scene was as Peter was left, the baby burst out crying. Now that is either a very talented baby, or someone made him cry. I choose talented.

And that's another thing to love about Peter, even though his story was very miniscule to Mindy's story in the episode, he had some great scenes. I mean, there was nothing better than Peter mimicking Jeremy on the phone and how it switched about 4 times in the conversation.

The biggest shock of them all came from Danny. He was still married. And to make Cliff ever present, he, not only, rats him out to Mindy, he also helps him out with the papers. How ironic. One of Danny's best moments from the episodes comes from this when he is seen tearing up giving away his Yankee stadium chairs to Cliff, and he didn't even want them.

Jeremy also had a pretty good episode. For one, he appeared. And second, he had some funny lines that carried through the episode.

I can't go back to England. I've forgotten all the words.


The INS got less interested when they found out I was rich and white


Danny finally gave in to letting Mindy move some stuff in. But my biggest disappointment with this episode was what seemed like a repetition of endings with every episode so far.

Sure, there's nothing better than Danny doing a strip tease in The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 1 or Danny's mom walking in on them before they have sex in The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 2, but its way too repetitive to have a similar storyline at the end of the first 3 episodes. Am I the only one who thinks this?

Do you think Peter will interfere with Jeremy's relationship with Lauren, again? Will Danny give Mindy more than a dresser?

If you need to catch up on what's been happening this season, don't forget you can Watch The Mindy Project online via TV Fanatic.

Crimes & Misdemeanors & Ex-BFs Review

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Mary Kate Venedam is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

The INS got less interested when they found out I was rich and white


Did you know people are buying jeans with holes already ripped in them?
