The Blacklist Season 2 Episode 7 Review: The Scimitar

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Let’s be honest, the big reveal viewers will be talking about when it comes to The Blacklist Season 2 Episode 7 came at the very end of the hour right before credits rolled.

But isn’t that how The Blacklist has been doing it these days?

Rather than send in a team of trained assassins to take out Berlin like Liz was hoping Red would do, the fedora loving villain decided it was time to clear the air, chat about a complete and utter misunderstanding and reveal Berlin’s daughter is indeed alive.

While The Blacklist tried its hardest to make viewers think that Red had been enjoying time with his “daughter” Zoe, it turned out to be Berlin’s daughter instead.

It wasn’t necessarily a surprise to me, but you’ve got to hand it to James Spader for selling the reveal in a way that only Red Reddington could. He just has that gravitas to turn a few lines into a powerhouse moment.

Even in his other scenes golfing or waiting for the Scimitar to return, Red gets to deliver great speeches with a smile that shows why he’s going to be victorious in the end. At the same time, he can rattle off a story or utter a few words and still draw attention to whatever he’s doing.

That’s the power of Red Reddington.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that Red probably knows about Tom and has known about Tom for some time. Do we really think Liz pulled a fast one over Red?

But I am curious as to what Tom’s storyline will be beyond a chained prisoner on a boat. I have to say I was kind of siding with Tom as Liz interrogated him and kept him locked away.

Liz seems angrier, but at least that helps her escape fake hospitals and take out whatever obstacle gets in her path.

I was definitely surprised by the fake hospital reveal, which was a nice change of pace, though Samar appearing just in the nick of time -- almost spot on perfect -- seemed a bit of a stretch.

Ultimately, the main case of the week was meant to be personal to Samar, involving the death of her brother in connection with the Scimitar. And she got her revenge by the end.

I mean, we are to believe she killed him, right?

If anything, Liz’s shock at the outcome makes me think there’s no way, no matter how many serious stares she gives Tom, Liz won't kill Tom.

But what then? What will she do with him?

And what does Berlin learning his daughter is alive mean for Red? Is it team-up time for them?

While the case of the week usually finds a way to be entertaining (cool car flip sequences, some decent twists), most of the stuff viewers will wind up talking about -- that larger story involving Red -- is saved for a good promo tease or last minute cliffhanger. I wish the show would weave more of that bigger story throughout the hour.

Now that we know Tom is alive and Berlin's daughter is alive, I'm hoping The Blacklist takes that new knowledge and spins it into something truly great for the fall finale, so viewers will be even more excited for when the show eventually returns. Let's just hope Red is ready.

What did you think of the reveal of Berlin's daughter? Does Red know about Tom? What's next for The Blacklist? Make sure you're all caught up for next week's fall finale and watch The Blacklist online.

The Scimitar Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (43 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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The Blacklist Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Do me a favor. Look me in the eye when you do it.


She's not my daughter. She's yours.
