Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 4 Review: Break-ups and Proposals

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On Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 4, everyone was trying to understand the state of their romantic relationships or dealing with the ghosts of a previous one. 

Mr. Bricker continued to be a wedge between Cora and Robert. There are two sides to the argument  that haven't been able to meet in the middle, mostly due to the English aristocrats' affinity for passive aggressive actions (or non-action).

Robert has disrespected Cora and insulted her intelligence by questioning why an art historian would be so interested in her opinion on art. On the other hand, Mr. Bricker has been open about his interest in Cora, which naturally offends Robert. 

Despite Bricker's open expression of feelings toward Cora, I still think Robert's pride is getting the best of him and he is being overly jealous, while Cora is using Bricker to poke the bear that is Robert until he admits he was wrong. 

In fact, Robert's pride was out in full force during this hour. It bothered me that he didn't seem able to fathom how uncomfortable and embarrassing it would be for Daisy and Mrs. Patmore to settle an argument for the dinner guests while standing in front of everyone. Come on man! The scene reminded us that Robert is still an aristocrat who is accustomed to people doing as he asks.

More shocking was why in the world Miss Bunting was invited to dinner again! Haven't we already been through this? Miss Bunting doesn't like any of the people in the house except Tom, so why would she agree to attend? Of course, we can't forget that Cora supported inviting her. My guess is that it was another way to spite Robert. 

I have been nice to Miss Bunting so far, but after her performance at dinner I can't take her anymore. In any time period, she was just being rude. 

Once again my favorite scenes involved those with Isobel and Violet. The duo went to see Violet's old beau Prince Kuragin. It is obvious that more happened between the two than Violet is letting on. This is the first time I can remember Violet mentioning the late Lord Grantham and love in the same sentence. The love he showed her on that one night in Russia may be the only reason she is not with Lord Kuragin today. Any theories on where the search for this Princess Kuragin will go? 

Violet: I agree. Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality.
Isobel: Oh, you only say that to sound cleaver.
Violet: I know. You should try it.

Meanwhile, Mary tried to break up with Tony, but he refused to believe that a lady like Mary would go to bed with a man without being sure he was the one. A very similar point  made by Violet on Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 3. Violet was right after all, the idea is shocking to most people in the 1920s. 

How flattering. We go to bed together and you wake up.


Tony's argument wasn't a strong one. He was the one who wanted to make sure they knew each other before making a final decision to marry. Although his intentions were to make Mary feel comfortable about not rushing into a second marriage, he certainly didn't intend for her to change her mind. 

I think anyone would have had a similar reaction, but now Tony is relying on the belief that if two people love each other they can work anything out, except that Mary basically told him she is not in love with him. I seriously doubt that this is something that they can get through together.

Finally, Edith and Thomas were two gloomy peas in a pod this episode. It is obvious why Edith is depressed, but what is Thomas up too? Do any of the readers have any idea? As for Bates and Anna, I only want to say again that I really don't want to see a prison storyline keeping these two apart for a second time. 

Do you think Edith will find out what happened to Michael? What do you think will happen with Mary and Tony? What was your favorite scene? Do you think Princess Kuragin will be found, if so, will her character be significant? 

If you failed to watch this episode you can watch Downton Abbey online via TV Fanatic! 

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Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Violet: I agree. Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality.
Isobel: Oh, you only say that to sound cleaver.
Violet: I know. You should try it.

Because how ever much the couple may strive to be honest, no one is ever in possession of the facts.
