Helix Season 2 Episode 1 Review: San Jose

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While this show is known for its insane twists and turns, Helix Season 2 Episode 1 definitely takes the cake. I never imagined Julia's story was taking place 30 years in the future. Did you? Plus the reveal of Alan's tombstone was freaky as hell.

This season feels less absurd and much more ominous. Of course, Helix Season 1 started out that way as well then went a little overboard on the campiness in my opinion.

I love that the second season feels like a reboot. The island is going to make an interesting location. It might not be an Arctic base, but it's certainly claustrophobic in its own way.

The Survivors - Helix

If you're familiar with my reviews, I like do to a ton of speculating. Though with a show like Helix, I'm usually as pretty far from the mark as you can get. It's actually one of the things I love about the show; its unpredictability.

Julia was the last face we saw in the finale, and she's the first of the original cast we encounter in Season 2. Hearing "Do You Know the Way to San José" instantly thrust me back into the Helix universe and was the perfect audio touch.

However, it's interesting that we don't pick up after the Arctic Biosystems explosion, but rather a year and a half later. This time jump gives the writers all that time in between to fill in the blanks.

Arrived at St. Germain island from the South East. No apparent flares or signal fires. The contact is not at the rendezvous site. All signs point to the pandemic originating on this island. There are no other options, I must find a cure.


My first thought was why is Julia so worried if she's immortal? Of course, later on we learn this TXM-7 virus affects the Ilaria Corp. folks, as well. Is the masked kidnapper connected to Ilaria or the cult? Is the San José question some kind of Ilaria password?

The story of the virus actually kicks off on the Windjammer cruise ship. It was great to see Peter take charge, he's very much in Alan's shoes this season. It will be interesting to see how he handles things. The new virus is gross; sure Narvik was black goo, but these yellow pustules have that beat.

Dr. Kyle Sommer quickly informs us this is a new virus (not Narvik). It didn't take me long to like the guy, which makes him this season's Noreen. How many episodes do you think he'll last?

Luckily for the team there was a survivor. Unfortunately for her, her days were numbered.

Peter: When did the passengers start getting sick?
Layla: About 2, no 3 days ago. Right after we got back from the island.
Peter: What island?

Layla informs us the infected started killing each other off violently. We also learn this contagion is not airborne, so there's that. Peter's guess is it was contracted on the island of St. Germain.

Peter insists the Coast Guard leave them on the island. The captain warns him another ship will take 2 weeks to pick them up. Basically, they're as trapped on this island as they were on Arctic Biosystems; minus the snow.

Kyle brings up Alan, and we learn he blew up a building in Paris. I assume that building is the Ilaria offices where Jules was last seen leading a board meeting. If this is true, Alan has gone seriously hardcore. Do you think he did it?

I'm not sure if Layla actually saw someone or if it was in her head, but the edits over to Jules were unnerving. Are we meant to make a connection here? Why did Julia's captor hear a scream outside when Sarah stepped in that trap? Is the man able to access both time periods?

Interesting that Sarah is known as "Hot Zone" back at the CDC. Sounds like she's being reckless since she's immortal. She tells Kyle that Alan's been missing for over a year. Do you think Sarah ever told him she was pregnant? It seems unlikely now, because it's doubtful he'd abandon her if he knew.

Of course, Layla takes off and gets herself killed. I wonder if the cult has anything to do with her death or those skulls the team found in the jungle? They eventually locate her body in the barn we're meant to believe Jules is in.

Without a doubt, my favorite scene this week was watching the rabbit in the bottle decompose with the passage of time. How frakkin' cool was that?

Caleb: I knew one day you'd come.
Julia: You know my name. What do I call you?
Caleb: Caleb.

"I'm dying" Julia confesses to Caleb. Whoever he is, he obviously knows about the immortals. He plucked Julia's contacts out to reveal her silver eyes. That effect is still as chilling as ever.

Speaking of chilling, the cult was creepy as hell. However, Anne seemed afraid of being outside the gates. Are there TXM-7 test subjects still on the island? Are they perhaps seeking vengeance against the cult who infected them?

The sisters weren't being very cooperative, but Brother Michael appeared much more open minded. I'm thinking he's this season's Hatake; conflicted but ultimately on the right side. Steven Weber was fantastic wasn't he? Yeah he's going to be fun to watch.

Brother Michael denies any knowledge of the virus and makes the team feel at home. Of course, he's totally suspicious yet not any more than the "sisters."

When Julia mentions Alan, it was obvious Caleb recognized the name right away. Is there a connection between them?

Julia: I'm looking for a man named Alan Farragut. Wait, you know him? Is he here on the island?
Caleb: He's here.
Julia: Can you take me to him? Please I have to see him.
Caleb: I can, but you might not like what you find.

What?!? A tombstone? Part of me was expecting a shriveled up, demented old man. I wasn't expecting Alan to be dead. Did the good doctor succumb to the virus? This being Helix, I'm sure there's much more to the story.

Rewind to Day 1, and Alan finally makes an appearance bringing Sarah some food and dressed all cult-like. He looks like a completely different guy in that beard doesn't he? I spoke to Billy Campbell this week and he told me Alan goes to some very dark places.

-- / Hank's Hypotheses /--

  • Alan did indeed blow up the Ilaria building in Paris. He's out to stop them at all costs.
  • Julia had a falling out with the Ilaria Corporation. She's gone rogue in an attempt to find a cure.
  • The mystery kidnapper is Alan and Sarah's immortal son. He recognized Alan's name right away.
  • Sarah (aka Hotzone) will become infected due to her recklessness. We might lose her this season.
  • The TXM-7 virus was not engineered by Ilaria, but meant to kill the immortals.
  • Brother Michael is part of Ilaria but the "sisters" have their own agenda testing TXM-7.
  • The skulls in the forest are TXM-7 victims. Yup, they live outside the compound gates.

Well it's safe to say Helix is as wackadoo as ever, and I'm already hooked. What did you think of "San Jose?" What the hell were the sister doing in that closing scene? Your turn guys, please share all your crazy theories with me in the comments below. Theorizing is part of the fun!

Don't remember the events of Helix Season 1 Episode 13? Well, you can watch Helix online via TV Fanatic right now for a refresher!

San Jose Review

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Helix Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Arrived at St. Germain island from the South East. No apparent flares or signal fires. The contact is not at the rendezvous site. All signs point to the pandemic originating on this island. There are no other options, I must find a cure.


Peter: When did the passengers start getting sick?
Layla: About 2, no 3 days ago. Right after we got back from the island.
Peter: What island?