Reign Season 3 Episode 14 Review: To The Death

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Will Mary EVER actually make it back to Scotland, y'all?

History tells us yes, and so do the previews for next week's episode, but we've spent a long, long time now awaiting the moment when Mary goes home. 

Reign Season 3 Episode 14 was another episode dedicated to trying to figure out a way to get Mary home and Mary might want to try and figure out what the Vatican has up its sleeve because did they seriously just hand her all the money she needs after trying to kill her the first time they helped?

Weird plot inconsistencies like that one aside, tonight's episode sucked me back in. Why? Two words:

Burning. Embers.

Mary helped Greer (who helped Mary) by having Greer's husband, Lord Aloysius Castleroy, broken out of prison so that he and Greer could change their identities and ride off into the French sunset together and live happily-ish ever after with him raising a pirate's baby.

He was reluctant because he thought Greer had never loved him in the first place. Surely if she had, she wouldn't be pregnant with a pirate baby, right? (Note: He wasn't upset at all that she had become a madame and made enough money for them to start over. Just that she had a one night stand and got knocked up.)


After dismissing Greer, Mary schooled Castleroy on the burning embers of love which never, ever burn completely out and THAT LOOK from Bash was all I needed to see to know he was back on Team Mary.

That look coupled with his gentle reminder of the time they tried to run away together while they were trying to save Francis' life. But hey, Francis is gone now, (RIP!) so Bash and Mary? Totally do-able. (Pun sort of intended.)

Did this come completely out of left field since this is pretty much the first time Mary and Bash have had scenes together since they buried Francis?

Yes. Okay. Completely out of left field.

Do I even care? 

Not even a little bit because BASH AND MARY. I am here for that, historical accuracy be damned.

Unfortunately for my shipper heart, it looks like Bash isn't going to Scotland with Mary on Reign Season 3 Episode 15 like he promised, which is really dumb. The fight with the Red Knights is not his fight. He has no place in France aside from being a member of the Royal Guard and Catherine's Head Soldier.

Catherine and the late King Henry brought this Red Knight disaster on themselves and Mary totally needs a hot bodyguard. No saying goodbye, Bash. GET IN THE CARRIAGE AND GO WITH HER.

Any and all scary plots involving Catherine are always hit-or-miss for me. I'm intrigued by this Red Knight thing, but only so much. 

She brought this on herself. She and Henry were/are pretty brutal rulers, so it's not shocking that people would rise up against her at some future date. 

I also won't be surprised when she figures out a way to get herself out of this mess, probably by sacrificing someone she claims to love in order to save herself.

Yes, yes, Catherine loves her children. That doesn't mean she wouldn't consider throwing one of them from the top of a tower if she thought it would save her own skin and France.

This Red Knight thing can only go so far before someone important has to die and it won't be Catherine. Hopefully it won't be Narcisse because if they ever start a French Fight Club, they need him.

Kudos to Charles for having the idea to win the money they needed to pay the Generals. Too bad his impulsivity (a trait no doubt inherited from his father) caused him to lose all of it. He's really lucky Narciverine was there to bail him out.

That man is a snake, but he loves his country. 

Speaking of countries, across the pond we had a bit of a snooze as Elizabeth got in touch with her feels and Lola spent three nights in jail. And then Lola told Elizabeth that maybe it's time to let Dudley go. 

She was rewarded for her honesty and loyalty with a visit from her son, and separating kids from their parents, considering Elizabeth's own upbringing, is actually the cruelest thing she does to people. 

Just let Lola and Gideon have their kids, for crying out loud, lady! Sheesh.

What was your favorite part of "To the Death"? Were you shocked/excited for Bash to confess his lingering feelings for Mary? Would you watch Narcisse's fight club?

Let's chat and don't forget you can watch Reign online!

To The Death Review

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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Reign Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

Charles: Your life is more valuable than this.
Narcisse: No one life is more valuable than France.

Those memories are a part of me, Greer, but I am stronger than they are. My life is once again the sum of my choices, not someone else's crimes. And I choose to help my friends.
