The Originals Season 4 Episode 5 Review: I Hear You Knocking

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Is The Originals Season 4 going to stop for air?

The Originals Season 4 Episode 5 continued to go for the home run with another hour that was up there as one of the best.

It's crazy how much better a series can be with fewer episodes. 

Okay, let's get to the goodies. I'm going to go for the polarizing option and speak about Hayley first. I felt horrible for her. Mary's husband was under the influence of The Hollow and killed her parents. 

Like, where the heck did that come from? Throughout Hayley's stint on The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, she has been looking for a place to belong. 

It's natural for people to want to feel a sense of belonging. She even admitted that growing up in the system was not good for her. She was always confused, wondering what really paved the way for her parents to leave her. 

I especially liked that she noted she would not have Hope if she did not cross paths with the Mikaelsons. There are variables here, but Hayley has been an outstanding parent to that kid. She knows what it feels like to be alone and that's part of the reason why she wants to make sure Hope feels as included as she possibly can. 

What Did You Say? - The Originals Season 4 Episode 3

With Mary learning the truth, it remains to be seen whether she will change her stance on the Mikaelsons. Rules are rules, but if she's already breaking them for Hayley, what's wrong with breaking them some more for someone who is basically her family?

How could Mary turn Elijah away when he was all suited and booted for the occasion? Kidding aside, I loved the scenes between Hayley and Elijah. 

They've taken the long route to becoming a couple, but the slow burn of it all is making the payoff all the more worthwhile. I just hope The Hollow does not do the unthinkable and kill one of them off. 

Hayley sure seemed to think that it was back to finish off the job it started all those years ago. That may be the case, but there's also the possibility that she is paranoid because of all the crazy stuff going on. 

Haylijah Is Back! - The Originals Season 4 Episode 3

Did anyone else find it fitting that Marcel wound up in the place Klaus was at the beginning of the season? With Marcel trying to find a way to save both him and Klaus, Freya seemed more concerned with Klaus killing Marcel than anything else. 

She knows he poses a huge threat to the family, but she has no idea that The Hollow are pulling ways to kill the original family out of thin air. That plant showing up at the close of the hour was a real game changer. 

Sofya is ready to exact her revenge on the family, but something tells me she will last another few episodes before being dispatched in gruesome fashion. It was thrilling how she managed to hide in plain sight for the first few episodes. 

Everyone has an ulterior motive on this show, so I should have known it was coming. Whether she'll be able to save Marcel is another story, but I want to know the true extent of her revenge plan. 

Did anyone think that Elijah was going to kill Marcel? I checked the time during that scene when Elijah was basically calling him a liability and thought the big twist was going to be Marcel dying. 

I do agree with Elijah that Klaus is redeeming himself. If you watch The Originals online, you will probably remember Klaus pressing on with his own plans and killing whoever stood in his way. 

Now, he's trying to play the doting father who is trying to keep his family safe, and yes, that family includes Marcel. That said, I hope Marcel is not locked up for long. 

He's much better written this year. Previously, I would not have cared less if he died, but he's grown on me this time around, and it would be a shame to lose him so early in the season. 

Elsewhere, the chemistry between Freya and Keelin continued to mount. It's crazy that Freya was the one who had Keelin captive and now they are getting closer than ever. 

I like all of their exchanges with each other, but there's no denying Freya was not upset when Keelin announced her departure after Freye stuck to her side of the deal. 

It was cute that she returned to help out, but I was sitting there waiting for the reveal that Hollow had moved on to Keelin to try and get what it wanted. It would be a good move, but it would be way too predictable. 

"I Hear You Knocking" was another solid episode of this CW drama. If the show is not renewed for Season 5, I will be really upset. The ratings are actually up vs. The Originals Season 3 and the show is rating higher than already-renewed shows. Losing The Vampire Diaries this year was difficult enough. 

The major red flag is that the cast barely speaks about the show anymore on Twitter. Was it quietly canceled? Michael Narducci did "depart" the series after production was completed. 

Something is just telling me it's over and that Julie Plec is going to try shove the magic school spin-off down our throats at the expense of The Originals. If that is the case, I will not be investing my time in the potential spin-off. 

Over to you, The Originals Fanatics. What did you think of the latest drama for the characters? Is Klaus really changing?

Note: The Originals Season 4 Episode 6 airs April 28!

I Hear You Knocking Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (70 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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