Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7 Review: Last Call

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The best part of Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7 was, without a doubt, Dean singing with his old friend Leo.

What made it especially fun was that he was singing a country song when we all know how much he loves rock and roll.

Singing Away - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

But aside from all the fun and games and drinks, Dean's friend was a bad dude. (And no I don't remember him from previous episodes, sorry -- there have been so many).

It was clear from the get-go that he was behind the girl's disappearance, although for a minute, it seemed that maybe the hostess was part of it.

Taking people's cell phones when they entered the bar was odd, so that made it seem like maybe it was going to be a bar of monsters.

But there was only one monster at the bar beside the real monster he had caged up.

Getting Ready - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

My only confusion was that the bar names were different than the one with the girls at the beginning of the hour and then the one Dean visited -- so I'm not clear in why Dean went to Swayze's instead of the other one.

It might not even be important.

Dean being away gave Sam and Eileen an opportunity to bond.

They were about to get their groove on when Cas barged in like everything was normal.

And, of course, Cas worked his "magic" and caused problems (what fun would there be if there weren't problems?).

We still didn't get any answers as to where Cas disappeared to, but he's much livelier and definitely out of his funk.

Facing the Beast - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

Didn't Sam already toss the idea of having a connection to Chuck via the bullet wound?

Sam seemed surprised about that, which was weird because the thought had already crossed his mind.

I hate to say it, but it seems like the show is stretching storylines to help push it to the finish line.

The bullet connection -- even if Sam hadn't thought of it before -- should have been an immediate thought in Cas' mind when it happened.

Muddied mind or not, he should have had a tingling in his brain sometime before he left.

Romance in the Making - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

How could it not?

Sergei was playing hardball, and it was dumb that he thought he could pull one over on Cas.

Cas wasn't having any of it, even threateing Sergei's daughter or whoever it was. 

Then again, Cas shouldn't have been so quick to do his thing to Sam without thinking about the possible ramifications.

Cas has turned over a new leaf rather quickly and it's almost suspicious, if you think about it long enough.

Questioning Everything - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

A two-week getaway seems too short for him to have such a huge turnaround.

And he's not completely vicious. It's almost like he's strategic about his almost revived badassness.

Either way, Sam going off into Chuck's world was a good thing because he was able to learn some things that might put the boys in a better position when they face off against Chuck.

Chuck is in a weakened state. And he has no friends.

His book writing, snapping fingers, shooting guns, and whatnot are only going to get him so far.

Cas is Back - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

His ego is what's going to be the end of him.

And however Chuck goes, I hope it's a gruesome end for him because he deserves it.

Dean and Cas still aren't in a good place, and it might take time for them to get back to how they were so long ago.

The meeting between them was icy, to say the least.

There's not much Cas can do to change the past, but they need to put things behind them and move on.

With Cas' new attitude, it could happen if he doesn't screw something else up.

Sam Wakes Up - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

And he's certainly lucky Sam came back because that would have been the end of it if Dean had walked in and Sam was still in an unconscious state.

Dean would not have been in a good place if that had happened.

Cas needs to use his head more and think things through before doing anything to try to "help" anyone close to Dean.

Or anyone for that matter.

You'd think he would have learned his lesson, but obviously not.

We're getting closer to the end, and there are so many mixed feelings.

A Couple in the Making - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

Sadness because Supernatural has been such a huge part of my life for so long, but also a joy because it is time for Sam and Dean's journey to end.

Some of the storylines haven't been the best and have been detrimental to its legacy.

I'm still not sure what kind of ending would be the most satisfying.

It's something we should talk about here since the end is getting closer.

There's one more hour of Supernatural in 2019, which will set the course for the rest of the last season. I hope it's a doozy.

Singing Again - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

When Supernatural returns on March 16, it will be switching to Mondays (at the same time 8/7c) which is surprising, but also not surprising.

After that, we'll have until the end of May to see how everything turns out for our favorite demon hunters.

Over to you!

Did Cas act too quickly with Sam?

Will Sergei become a problem later?

Will Dean and Cas ever kiss and make up?

A Happy Girl - Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7

What are your favorite Supernatural memories?

Will the boys defeat God?

How should the series end?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Supernatural online right here via TV Fanatic!

Last Call Review

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Supernatural Season 15 Episode 7 Quotes

There may be some of you inside Chuck.


You could give show business a shot for yourself. You got the look.
