Homer wakes up from his coma when he hears that Bart put him there.

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The Simpsons
The Simpsons Season 4 Episode 18: "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show"
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The Simpsons Season 4 Episode 18 Quotes

TV Announcer: The following is a public service announcement. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage and cancer of the rectum.
Homer: Mmm... beer.

Moe: I brought you a little present. (Gives Homer a can of beer)
Homer: No. Beer bring pain.
Barney: I can't stand to see him like this. (Shoves a pillow in Homer's face. He than lifts up a water fountain, throws it at a window, jumps out and runs away)
Moe: He really needs a girlfriend.