Downtrodden Dixon

Cheer up, Dixon! You're our favorite character on the new 90210. It'll be okay!

Bonding Brothers

Dixon is seen here with new half-brother, Sean. The latter's emergence in his life is causing some issues for Dixon.

Coach's Son!

Harry is many things to Dixon: father, principal and, in this scene, lacrosse coach.

Kelly and Annie

Kelly lends Annie an ear during a big West Beverly lacrosse game. The pretty character have a friendship forming.

More Smooching

Careful, Ethan and Annie. You're about to become a serious threat for the title of Cutest Couple at West Beverly. It's currently held by Silver and Dixon.

Spit Swapping!

Pucker up, Naomi! Ozzie has something to say... sort of!

Naomi and Ozzie

Naomi is trying to move on from Ethan. Will new crush Ozzie do the trick?

Mascot Annie

Annie has school spirit, yes she does? She has school spirit, how about you?!?

Lacrosse Stud

Silver loves a man in uniform. Specifically, she loves a man in a lacrosse uniform named Dixon.

New Pals

Naomi hands with a new group of friends in this scene from 90210. It's courtesy of the episode titled "That Which We Destroy."

Yay Ethan!

Annie celebrates with Ethan. This couple is officially out in the open.

Make Out Alert!

Cover your eyes, Naomi. Ethan and Annie are about to swap a lot more spit.

90210 Season 1 Quotes

Come on. This is gonna be fun. We got the weather, we got the palm trees, we got the... more palm trees.


Dixon: This sucks.
Debbie: Dixon, how about a new phrase? Like this bites or this blows? Because you've been saying this sucks for the last 1,500 miles.