In-a-Gadda-Da-Leela Pic

A picture from "In-a-Gadda-Da-Leela" in which Zapp is Adam and Leela is Eve on a strange planet.

Fry's Afro

Fry returns to the Professor with an afro and no recollection of what happened in the Futurama season seven premiere, "Rebirth."

Futurama Returns!

Futurama returns with new episodes for a sixth season on Comedy Central. The first episode is named "rebirth" and takes place directly after the Futurama movies.

Futurama Season 7 Quotes

Fire all weapons and open a hailing frequency for my victory yodel.

Zapp Brannigan

Fry: Professor, my Fry-fro's all frizzy.
Farnsworth: Okay?
Fry: That's all. Oh, also, I'm covered in severe burns.
Farnsworth: So, what of it?
Fry: Well...why is...those things?
Farnsworth: You mean you don't remember?
Fry: Nope, nothing. It's like when I passed out in college except nobody drew magic marker penises on my forehead