Hector Releases the Dove

As part of Hector and Tom's ridiculous Dove shampoo commercial pitch, Hector releases a live dove into the conference room.

Sarah Pitches Dove

Sarah pitches her very serious Dove shampoo idea to Denise and luckily has the support of the creative director, Mason McGuire on her side since he did the storyboards for her.

Mason and Sarah Partner Up

When Sarah is desperate for a partner for her Dove shampoo campaign and Mason ends up helping her out and pitching her idea over Conner's.

Amy, Tom and Hector

Amy heads up the Dove shampoo ad campaign and that certainly helps Tom, who is secretly dating her, get his chance at pitching an idea.

Conner Pitches His Idea

Conner holds up the storyboards that Mason made for him for his Dove hair shampoo pitch. Conner feels a little betrayed when Mason partners with Sarah on hers.

Mason and his Wife

Mason and his wife, Erin, discuss a very expensive kitchen renovation that includes tiles that cost $60 a square foot! We wish we were making big advertising dollars like him.

Denise Returns

The CEO of Rothman, Denise, returns to evaluate the various proposal for the Dove campaign commercials.

Mason Pulls an All Nighter

When Mason has to partner with both Conner and Sarah on a Dove shampoo commercial, he pulls an all nighter in order to do both in time for tomorrow's meeting.

Tom, Hector and Julie's Kid

Tom and Hector seem less than pleased that Sarah's new partner, Julie Finn, had to bring her kid to work while they work on the big for the Chicago Olympics.

Mason Comes to Tony

Mason comes to Tony to find out why their group never tried for the Chicago Olympics bid when Cochran's group did.

Conner and Mason Shake

Conner and Mason shake as Mason leaves Conner in charge of the campaign for the Chicago Olympics bid while we spends the weekend with his wife.

Conner and Mason Think

Conner and Mason have a big decision to make when it comes to making the commercial for Arc Mobile when their account is in review. It's definitely a big gamble.

Trust Me Season 1 Quotes

Conner: You need to get this boat.
Mason: I can't afford it.
Conner: Be a good American and finance it.

You've been carrying me? I've been carrying you so long I have scoliosis

Mason [to Conner]